The Wounded The Wounded In WWI
Olden Days Single wounds that weren’t too bad Would probably live if: –Not dirt in wound –Intestines weren’t open –Didn’t bleed too much
Wounds During WWI Not as many edged weapons –Bayonets aren’t used as much as they were in the days of the musket Lots of shell wounds –Sometimes there was no evidence of a person after a shell hit –Concussions destroy people’s lungs or cause brain hemorrhages –Usually one shrapnel wound meant more wounds internally and the wounds were jagged
Wounds During WWI Bullets –Bullets would hit something and tumble –Shatters bone sending fragments through the body –Soldiers were hit with more than one bullet
Triangle Medical Practice Divide wounded into three groups 1.Wounded who could survive a trip to the rear area hospital 2.Wounded that can’t go to the rear area hospital 3.Wounded that will die –The larger the number of casualties, the bigger this group would be