CHAPEL Flipping through the Bible
SWORD DRILL! Ephesians 6:17b “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.”
FIND “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’” James 4:6
22 DANIEL God with the faithful in exile
ISRAEL IN EXILE Exile Israel for 70 years to rid the land of false gods.
RESPECTING GOD Meat – Sacrificed to other gods Health – 10 Days The Best
THE DREAM Tell and Interpret Magicians couldn’t Daniel could with God
DREAM Kingdom Shattered King Praised God
WORSHIP THE GOLDEN IMAGE 90 ft tall 9ft wide
THEY CAME OUT! Unharmed Untied No Smell
TREE DREAM Greatness – Pride Warning – Still Pride Made like an animal Worshiped God
BELSHAZZAR Writing Mene – Days # Tekel – Found Wanting Peres – Kingdom divided Belshazzar honored Daniel He did not worship God – 7 days…
KING DARIUS Other Advisors Plotted against Daniel Daniel still prayed Daniel thrown into the lions den
IN THE DEN Angels sent to shut the lions’ mouths Darius came at first light Darius Praised God
REVIEW 1. God Created the World 2. Man Fell in Sin 3. God Flooded the World 4. God Spread the Nations 5. God Made Promises to Abraham
REVIEW PAGE 2 6. God Tested Abraham 7. Jacob Becomes Israel 8. Joseph led Israel into Egypt 9. Moses brought Israel out of Egypt 10. Commandments weren’t followed, so they wander
REVIEW PAGE Joshua led the armies of Israel 12. Judge Gideon leads the army 13. Ruth shows God can use anyone 14. Saul first king of Israel 15. David – A man after God’s own heart 16. David sinned and was forgiven
REVIEW PAGE Solomon the King who had it all 18. Idols were worshiped, Israel is split in two 19. God sent messengers like Elijah to show his power 20. God sent messengers like Isaiah to show the future 21. God sent messengers like Jeremiah to give last chances 22. Daniel showed that God was with Israel in exile