By: Madalyn Gathright Retold by: Mrs. Rogers 1st period class Holes Scrapbook By: Madalyn Gathright Retold by: Mrs. Rogers 1st period class
Table of Contents Page 1: Stanley Yelnats. Page 2: Hector Zeroni. Page 3: Mr. Sir. Page 4: Mr. Pendanski. Page 5: The Warden. Page 6: Vocabulary. Page 7: Review of the book. Page 8: Author Bio. Page 9: My Favorite Character. Page 10: Kissin’ Kate Barlow Wanted Poster.
Characters Stanley Yelnats Hector “ Zero” Zeroni Mr. Sir Mr. Pendanski The Warden
Stanley Yelnats Stanley Yelnats is the main character in Holes. He is described as an overweight teenager with an unlucky life. His father is an unsuccessful inventor that tries to recycle sneakers. The reason the Stanley is at Camp Green Lake is because he was accused of stealing Clyde “Sweetfeet” Livingston’s sneakers from a homeless shelter. Though, we later find out that Zero, another camper at Camp Green Lake, steals the sneakers without knowing they weren’t to take because he couldn’t read the sign that said they were “Sweetfeet’s” sneakers. He believes that his great grandfather was the one bringing his bad luck to him, which he was. His great grandfather had promised to carry Madame Zeroni, Zero’s great grandmother, up a mountain to drink from a “miracle” stream. As he set off on a boat to America to get a fresh start, he remembered the promise and was faced with bad luck and hardships in America. So, without knowing, Stanley carried Zero on an escape from camp to the stream and Zero drank from it giving Stanley good luck again.
Hector Zeroni Hector, aka Zero, is a camper at Camp Green Lake who is described as a short lanky boy with blonde frizzy hair. He was convicted of stealing a pair of sneakers. They weren’t Sweetfeet’s but he did steal them and run from the homeless shelter where he, and the sneakers were. Zero couldn’t read the sign that said they were Sweetfeet’s sneakers, but in the book at Camp, Stanley teaches him how to read. He escapes from camp and runs into the mountains. There, when Stanley finds him, he is under a old boat with jars of “SPLOOSH” which Stanley described as a sweet peachy like mush. Zero gets sick from the bacteria on the old jars, so Stanley gets him to drink from the “miracle” stream
Mr. Sir
Mr. Pendanski
The Warden
Review of the Book
Author’s Bio.
My Favorite Character
Wanted: Kissin’ Kate Barlow