EL111 Unit Eleven Ms. Khadeeja Rabah
When you want information ,you can ask questions directly: Direct questions When you want information ,you can ask questions directly: Is he playing the piano? Where is Tom? For these questions we use the inverted word order: (auxiliary) verb + subject + (main verb)
Indirect questions Sometimes, however, we prefer to start our questions with “Do you know…” or “Could you tell me…?” Questions that begin like that are called indirect questions and they have a different word order:
[Do you know] [where Tom is?] Indirect questions Look: Question 1 Question 2 [Do you know] [where Tom is?] Question 1 is a regular question Question 2 is an indirect question inside question 1.
Could you show me how to buy on e-bay? Indirect questions USE: When we want to be polite THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF INDIREC QUESTIONS: - Yes/No questions - “Wh” questions Could you show me how to buy on e-bay? Yes, sure.
Indirect questions Yes/No questions: FORM: Yes/No questions: - Introductory phrase + if/whether + subject+ verb “Wh” questions: - Introductory phrase + question word + subject + verb
Indirect questions YES/NO QUESTIONS Examples: YES/NO QUESTIONS Could you tell me if you like programming? Could you tell me if there is a library near here? “Wh” QUESTIONS Could you tell me where the CD is? May I ask you why my computer is broken ?
Some questions that introduce indirect questions Could you tell me Do you know Have you any idea what time the banks close? Do you remember Do you happen to know
Here are some more expressions that introduce indirect question. I wonder I can’t remember I’ve no idea how long the journey takes I’d like to know I’m not sure
Question tags
Question tags are very common in spoken English. Questions Tags Use Question tags are very common in spoken English. We use them to keep conversation going by involving listeners and inviting them to participate .
The most common patterns are: positive sentence- negative tag: Questions Tags Form The most common patterns are: positive sentence- negative tag: You are a student , aren’t you? negative sentence- positive tag He isn’t coming , is he?
We repeat the same auxiliary used in the sentence: Questions Tags Form We repeat the same auxiliary used in the sentence: You have got a car , haven’t you? If there is no auxiliary , we use ( do, does , did) according to the main verb. She came late , didn’t she?
Questions Tags The meaning of question tag depends on how you say it: If the tag falls ,the speaker expects people to agree with him/her. You don’t like ice-cream , do you? If the tag rises ,the speaker is asking for confirmation ( not sure about the answer). You work in the city , don’t you?
Positive Sentences won’t he ? isn’t he doesn’t she ? aren’t I ? Question tag Sentence won’t he ? isn’t he doesn’t she ? aren’t I ? don’t we ? haven’t they ? didn’t they ? isn’t it ? Weren’t you ? can’t she ? He will play tennis, He is a good swimmer She likes cooking I am still here We take another way, The students have finished it, Everybody made a mistake, This is my book, You were here last night, The lady can sew a dress,
Negative Sentences will he ? is he does she ? am I ? do we ? Question tag Sentence will he ? is he does she ? am I ? do we ? have they ? did they ? is it ? Were you? can she ? He won’t play tennis, He isn’t a good swimmer She doesn’t like cooking I am not still here We don’t take another way, The students haven’t finished it, Everybody didn’t made a mistake, This isn’t my book, You weren’t here last night, The lady can’t sew a dress,
Commands & Requests will you ? won’t you ? would you ? shall we ? Question tag Sentence will you ? won’t you ? would you ? shall we ? Stop over there, Close the door, please, Have a seat, Help me, please, Let them go, Let us take a rest, Let’s take a rest, Let’s go swimming, Have another tea, Don’t tell them about it, Don’t talk too loudly, Don’t bother me,