By Mister Glanz
Born to serve God, born to fight, it was not easy, being a knight; though in Medieval times you would’ve been respected, protecting the helpless, never leaving them neglected; your training started from very young, starting small, from rung to rung. First you were a page, for seven years, serving your lord, bringing him beers; then you were a squire, you had to help in battle, adjusting armour while men died like cattle; after a long night of prayer, my dear squire, you became a knight and one to admire, the ladies would love you, but that was too bad, you had to be chaste, my chivalrous lad. By Mister Glanz
At the head of the cavalry charge, through weaker enemies your mount could barge; war and fighting was your occupation, to the front guard, you’d cause devastation; but you weren’t too handy against a castle, those walls and towers were too much hassle; you needed room to complete your task, winning battles was what your king would ask. By Mister Glanz
Off to the Crusades for the glory of God, slaying the enemy, with metal you were shod; your armour, your helmet, your sword and your shield, you rode them down, you made them yield; your armour was heavy, your armour was hot, killing in your lord’s name, whether you liked it or not; A difficult life, one you never chose, for your equipment, you paid through the nose; it wasn’t cheap, that armour and that horse, but you beat back invaders including the Norse. You weren’t invincible, so don’t get a big head, it was still quite easy to wind up dead; if you fell in battle, good luck getting up, if no one helped you, you were in a hiccup; you were also at risk from dangerous arrows, fired from weapons known as longbows. By Mister Glanz
You couldn’t have one, because it caused you dishonour, you faced your opponents in battles of horror, like Hastings, Agincourt, and the Wars of the Roses, depicted in artwork, pulling your poses; In your spare time, you would often joust, in the tournament, your opponents you’d oust, your shield had patterns and pretty colours, so you could be determined from all the others. As heraldry it was and is known, some of it you now will be shown; it is very important, because it symbolises you, but now, year eight, here’s what you must do; before you there’s card, both coloured and blank, make a shield to symbolise your rank; soon you’ll be shown what all the colours mean, then you’ll make one because I know you’re keen! By Mister Glanz
-Yellow or gold symbolises generosity. -White or silver symbolises peace. -Black symbolises grief. -Blue symbolises loyalty. -Red symbolises military strength. -Green represents hope and joy. -Purple represents royal majesty. If you’re a good drawer: -Lion represents courage. -Bear represents ferocity. -Anchor symbolises hope. -Eagle represents a man of action. By Mister Glanz