Yes, you think it will only happen to the other guy. Last summer, that’s what all of these people thought, too. Summer Safety Campaign 2013
Riding bike for some PT before work. On a large, high- speed road on base. Listening to MP3 player.
What risk factors do you see? Add the fact that he needed to make a U-turn, and that his MP3 player was at full volume. Add the fact that it was one minute before sunrise. The last straw: He pulled in front of an oncoming truck. Driver didn’t see him.
Fatal injuries to bike rider.
Rider was wearing a helmet, but it couldn’t protect him from the impact. His bike and apparel weren’t reflective enough, but this mishap wasn’t the fault of an inattentive driver—it was distraction. The Navy and Marine Corps specifically prohibit PT anywhere near a road while listening to ear buds or headphones. This mishap shows why.