Interpreting photographs Photographs can tell us about the war. These are primary evidence. Look at the pictures and say what you think is happening. Part of the Gallipoli Music Memorial Resources Created by Widgit Software Photographs from the Imperial War Museum
1.What kinds of injuries were treated in tent hospitals? 2.Why was it difficult for the doctors? A field hospital Photograph © IWM Q13316
In the trenches 1.Why is this soldier holding a helmet on top of his rifle? 2.Where did the soldiers sleep? Photograph © IWM Q 13447
Saving a friend 1.What happened when a soldier was injured? 2.Was it safe to rescue wounded soldiers? Photograph © IWM Q 13622
Landing heavy equipment 1.How did they bring artillery from the ships to the beaches? 2.What else did they need to bring from the ships. Photograph © IWM Q 13637
A war cemetery 1.Why is this soldier standing in the cemetery? 2.How did families at home know when a soldier had died? Photograph © IWM Q 13438
Landing on the beaches 1.How do you think the soldiers felt as they landed on the beaches? 2.What did the soldiers do as soon as they landed? Photograph © IWM Q
Food and water distribution 1.Why did they need to have all these water containers. 2.What work did soldiers do when they weren't fighting? Photograph © IWM Q 13448
Eating in the trenches 1.What food might soldiers eat in the trenches. 2.Where was the food cooked? Photograph © IWM Q 1580
A dog bringing food to soldiers in WW1 1.Why did dogs bring the food to the soldiers? 2.What happened if the dog didn't reach the soldiers? Photograph © IWM Q 23700
A commander and his men in a trench. 1.Why is somebody lying on top of the trench? 2.Why has nobody brought the man down for burial? Photograph © AWM A02025
What is happening in this picture? What can you find out from it? Photograph © IWM Q 13552
What is happening in this picture? What can you find out from it? Photograph © IWM 13372
What is happening in this picture? What can you find out from it? Photograph © IWM Q 13644