Student Technology Survey February 24, 2015
What grade are you in? 9th grade 4725% 10th grade 4926% 11th grade 5529% 12th grade 3820%
Currently, how many classes in your regular day utilize the iPad in ANY way (schoology, notetaking, etc.) 0 8 4% 113 7% 24624% 35630% %
Currently, how many of your classes use Schoology in ANY way (access notes/worksheets, take quizzes, use for communication, etc.) 0 9 5% 14725% 27138% 34825% %
Since receiving your iPad, which of the following options most accurately describes how you use your iPad I use it ONLY for school purposes 7 4% I use it for school purposes but mostly use it for games 39 21% I use it mostly for school purposes but occasionally use it to play games, surf the web, etc % none of the options accurately describe how I've used my iPad since receiving it 12 6%
Since receiving your iPad, teachers at LCWM appear to never utilize the iPad in the classroom 19 10% occasionally use the iPad in the classroom % frequently utilize the iPad in the classroom 27 14%
Please choose one of the following options that most accurately describes how the iPad has impacted your education it has had no impact and it seems to be a waste of time 17 9% it distracts me21 11% it has helped me get assistance much more easily87 46% it has allowed me to learn in new ways that weren't possible before 64 34%