Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram of Venezuela Entrance to the math before... …and after the arrival of Their Lordships These photos show the transformation of the house bought for their Lordships Parama Karuna Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra in Caracas, Venezuela. It was amazing to see how the devotees beautified this Ashram with their never ending love and affection. (Dispatch from Caracas by Vaidehi Devi Dasi, 8 August 2004)
Now the Asrham is a beautiful saffron with blue. Outside the altar windows there are Indian Arches.
Now it has been painted and adjusted for the appropriate mood. It has also been expanded as much as possible. Before the windows weren’t sound- proof and the room was smaller. Although many adjustments have been made, the devotees still strive to perfect this Ashram. They are decorating the walls with three dimensional devotional symbols and columns. They wish to expand the glories of Parama Karuna Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra and build yet another temple in Venezuela. The dark cloud that was once present is being removed with the mercy of our Gurudev and the resplendent Parama Karuna Lordships. Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram, Caracas.