Manzanar and Topaz Japanese Internment Justine Aoki
Overview After the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, the United States government began to see Japanese Americans as a threat to the country, therefore putting them into internment camps. The government thought most of the Japanese Americans were spies when, in fact, a large majority of them weren’t.
Who? What? Internment: temporary imprisonment of a certain group of people Both nisei and issei were put into camps Nisei: citizens of Japanese decent, born in the United States Issei: Immigrants of Japanese decent
Where? When? Manzanar: In California March 21,1942 Topaz: In Utah September 11,
Maps of Manzanar and Topaz
Quote from Manzanar internee “If it was for our protection, why did the guns point inward, rather than outward?” Said by a former Manzanar prisoner questioning the government, who said these camps were for their protection.
Quote from Topaz internee “Before the barracks were built, we actually had to live in horse stalls. Once the barracks were finished, then we could move in.” Said by Alice Hirai, a former Topaz prisoner, who explained the struggles associated with relocating to the internment camps
Significance to the War After the Pearl Harbor attack, the United States didn’t want any other attacks and thought the Japanese Americans were potential spies and threats to the country. To prevent any future attacks, the government forced the Japanese Americans into internment camps, like Manzanar and Topaz.
Interview with Alice Hirai Interview with Alice Hirai
Quiz True or False: ________ The Japanese internment camps were of the same extremity of concentration camps in Europe. ________ The United States government claimed the camps were for the Japanese Americans protection, but were really to protect the country from “enemies”. ________ The Japanese internment camps were all ready for the Japanese Americans when they were supposed to move in.
Works Cited Lapsansky-Werner, Emma J., Peter B. Levy, Randy Roberts, and Alan Taylor. United States History. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc., Print. Armor, John, and Peter Wright. Manzanar. New York: Times Books, Print. “Topaz Camp.” Topaz Museum. Topaz Museum, Web. 29 March 2010.