COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Agile documentation development methodology Giby Panicker and Judith Benjamin 1-Dec-2012
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Agenda Software Engineering Process Models Waterfall vs Agile-a comparison Agile evolution and principles Scrum - an Agile method Agile Best Practices Benefits of working in Agile
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 Software Engineering Process Models Waterfall model Spiral model Agile development
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Traditional Method - Waterfall model
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Time Voice of the Customer Analysis Design Implementation Test Deployment Waterfall flow Time Requirements Deployment 2-4 weeks iteration Waterfall vs Agile Agile method
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Waterfall and Agile - a comparison WaterfallAgile Long detailed planShort term plan Customer feedback at the end of the cycle. Less customer satisfaction Constant feedback from the customers Better customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of valuable software and meeting the right expectation High risk to change in requirementAdapt to change in requirement to address the issues promptly Predictable softwareWorking software in shorter timescale Highly risky, often more costly and generally less efficient Less risky, low cost and more efficient
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 Agile Evolution Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Moving quickly and lightly
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 Principles of Manifesto Satisy the customer Early and continuous delivery of working software Change in requirements Adapting to change even late in the cycle Deliver working software frequently Deliver fully tested working software with 2-4 weeks iteration Work together daily Work together throughout the project Work around motivated individuals Build projects around motivated individuals and motivate them Face-to-face conversation The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a team
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Principles of Manifesto (contd…) Working software Working software is the primary measure of progress Sustainable development Promote sustainable development. Maintain constant pace. Continuous attention Continuous attention to technical excellence Simplicity Simplicity is essential Self organizing teams Scrum teams Tunes and adjusts to the product behavior The team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 Lean FDD Scrum Crystal XP and others... DSDM Agile - Many methods Kanban
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 Product Owner Product Backlog Scrum- an Agile method
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 Agile Documentation Best Practices Planning Documentation Verification The techniques and documentation deliverables are well suited for documenting products developed in agile environment. RELEASERELEASE
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 Plan it well Use the right tool Estimate the features Consult the development team Answer standard questions Conduct a doc planning poker session Collaborate on estimates with other writers Reduce rework Get access to the same planning tool that the Agile development team is using JIRA, Rally or XPlanner Documentation, development and QA tasks. Planning Best Practices
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 Planning Best Practices Adapt right methodologies Topic-oriented writing is authoring concise, self-contained units of information about a specific topic Use a topic-oriented approach such as the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) or Information Mapping TM Using Information Mapping and DITA enables to produce right documentation at the right time Manage your tasks Create documentation tasks House all documentation stories in “Tech Pubs Documentation” Create “Tech Pubs Overhead” component to log overhead tasks Clarify on the number of iterations the documentation can be completed after the development team’s completion of the feature
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17 Convert user stories to task-oriented topics Task-oriented writing complements development’s use of user stories Task-oriented writing is a necessity given the short iteration cycle and often limited number of writing resources Helps writers achieve minimalism Documentation Best Practices Prioritize Work on high-priority, low risk items Return to lower-priority or higher-risk items Aligning to feature priorities Focus on content
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 Verification Best Practices Collaborate Communicate For each task, ask the QA team to create an equivalent task for reviewing Request a “hardening” iteration Establish processes such as verification process, peer writer install process, peer review process etc. Cross-functional review Face-to-face communication Attend daily stand up meetings, sprint meetings, demos etc For teams that are not co-located find ways to communicate as personally as possible in real-time: Instant Messaging Web cameras with video conferencing
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 create user stories similar to product Planning access to feature tracking tool planning poker session Documentation prioritize the doc tasks convert user stories into topics topic oriented writing Verification create tasks for QA to review Ongoing Communication at all phases request for hardening iteration establish new processes Working Together as a Team reduce rework
COPYRIGHT © 2012 ALCATEL-LUCENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 Benefits of working in Agile Better integration of documentation with product Incremental development; reviews in chunks Early feedback from users Timely sharing and resolution of impediments in authoring Comprehensive insight into product changes and development Greater teamwork Improved quality Lowered cost