ITEC 370 Lecture 24 Lifecycles
Review Questions? –Grades for Requirements/Design Doc F give prototype demonstration –Testing plan for your software Maintenance –Business aspects –Scenarios
Lifecycles Objectives Life cycles –Beyond the waterfall…
Lifecycles Questions What are the disadvantages of using the waterfall method (what we have done in class)? What are some of the advantages?
Lifecycles Difference s There isn’t one way to develop software Each has advantages and disadvantages Team, client Examples –eXtreme programming –Scrum –V model –Spiral –Evolutionary model –Lean
Lifecycles Scrum Roles –Core (Owner, Dev Team, Scrum Master) –Ancillary (Managers, Stakeholders) Development is made up of sprints –One week to one month duration
Lifecycles Sprints Purpose it to create a portion of the product What is created comes from the backlog (list of requirements) Owner determines priority of what is implemented Team determines how many can be implemented Backlog cannot be changed during a sprint
Lifecycles Meetings Daily scrum –Every dev member comes prepared to give an update –Start on time, no waiting –Same location, same time (habits!) –Length is set (15 minutes) –Questions What did you do yesterday? What are you going to do today? What roadblocks are you encountering (Scrum master)
Lifecycles Meetings Backlog grooming (done by devs during sprints) –Work on granularity –Work on prioritization (developer not owner) –Set things up for owner to decide what is to be done next –An hour at most
Lifecycles Meetings Scrum of scrums –After daily scrum –Sub group of people together –Questions What has the team done since last time? What is the team going to do now? What is slowing the team down? Are you going to slow another team down?
Lifecycles Meetings Sprint planning meeting –Beginning of every sprint –8 hour meeting –4 hours – Everyone – priorities for the backlog –4 hours – Dev team creating plan for sprint
Lifecycles Sprints Review / retrospective meeting –4 hour meeting –What went well? –What should be changed for the next time around? –Demonstration of accomplished work to stakeholders –No incomplete work can be shown (no demo is better than a bad demo)
Lifecycles Artifacts Product backlog Sprint backlog Increment –The piece of software (cumulative through sprints) Burn down –Chart showing what has been done and what is left
Lifecycles Others Backlogs –Typically have a requirement and a user story –Feature description Spike –X amount of time to research / create a prototype Epic –Group of user stories Tracer bullet –Creating code within current architecture Definition of done Velocity –How many points can be done in a sprint? Abnormal termination
Lifecycles Relationship to waterfall Requirements Design Implementation Testing Maintenance Sprints Meetings
Lifecycles Review Reactive Active