SECOND MIDTERM REVIEW CS 580 Human Computer Interaction
Question 1 What is Paradigm?
Paradigm Definition The way you see something Your point of view Frame of preference or belief The way we understand and interpret the world It’s like a map in our head
Question 2 The paradigm describes reality, not only one aspect of reality
Answer 2 Correction: The paradigm does not necessarily describe reality, and at best only describes one aspect of reality.
Question 3 What is paradigm shift?
Paradigm Shift Paradigm shift is the way of looking at something differently A paradigm shift is a sudden change in point of view.
Question 4 What was the initial paradigm in Computers and what was its paradigm shift
Initial Paradigm in Computers and its Paradigm Shift The initial paradigm is Batch processing And the paradigm shifts were Timesharing and Networking
Question 5 What is the definition of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Software tools and technology to support groups of people working together on a project Example: Electronic Mail
Question 6 DefineThe World Wide Web (WWW)
The World Wide Web All the resources and users on the Internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Question 7 What is Ubiquitous Computing?
Ubiquitous Computing Definition: information processing integrated into everyday objects and activities. The word ubiquitous mean "existing everywhere."
Question 8 What is Context-aware Interaction?
Context-aware Interaction Context-aware is linking changes in the environment with computer systems
Question 9 What is design in HCI?
Design in HCI It is a process: a goal-directed problem solving activity informed by intended use, target domain, materials, cost, and likelihood a creative activity a decision-making activity to balance trade-offs
Question 10 List the Interaction Design activities
Interaction Design activities 1. Identifying needs and creating requirements 2. Developing alternative designs 3. Building interactive versions of the designs like a prototype 4. Evaluating designs
Question 11 List the Design Interaction Issues
Design Interaction Issues 1. Who are the users? 2. What are ‘needs’? 3. Where do alternatives come from? 4. How do you choose among alternatives?
Question 12 How to know your users?
Know you USERS who are they? talk to them watch them use your imagination
Question 13 Who are the USERS/STAKEHOLDERS?
USERs/STAKHOLDERs 1. those who interact directly with the product 2. those who manage direct users 3. those who receive output from the product 4. those who make the purchasing decision 5. those who use competitor’s products
Question 14 How to specify your user’s needs?
User’s Needs Look at existing tasks: 1. their context, eg. background, situation, … 2. what information do they require? 3. who collaborates to achieve the task? 4. why is the task achieved the way it is?
Question 15 How do you generate alternatives?
1. ‘Skill and creativity’: research & creation 2. Seek inspiration: look at similar products or look at very different products
Question 16 Seeking inspiration can be done by looking at similar products or looking at very different products
Answer 16
Question 17 List the steps in process design?
Design Process 1. requirements 2. analysis 3. design 4. repetition and prototyping 5. implementation and deployment
Question 18 What are scenarios in design?
Scenarios stories for design communicate with others validate other models express dynamics
Question 19 What are tools that can be used for screen design and layout
Design Tools grouping of items order of items decoration - fonts, boxes etc. alignment of items white space between items
Question 20 What is affordance?
Affordance Visual clue to a function of an object
Question 21 Choose the good design and give reasons Topic Body Topic Body
Question 22 What is Prototyping
Prototyping Demonstration of the final production design
Question 23 What is Software Engineering?
Software Engineering The discipline for understanding the software design process, or life cycle
Question 24 Give examples of lifecycle models from software engineering perspective and from HCI perspective
Answer 24 from software engineering: waterfall, spiral, iterative from HCI: Star, usability engineering
Question 25 What are the phases in software lifecycle
Software Lifecycle Phases Requirements phase Specification phase Design phase Implementation phase Integration or “testing” phase Maintenance phase
Question 26 What’s the difference between requirements and design
Answer 25 RequirementsDesign Statements of what the system should do (or what qualities it should have) A description of how we will implement a solution
Question 26 What’s the difference between verification and validation
Verification and Validation VerificationValidation designing the product right designing the right product
Question 26 What are the Flaws (FAULTS) of the Waterfall
Flaws (FAULTS) of the Waterfall Need iteration and feedback Inflexible Doesn’t emphasis risk, quality, and prototyping
Question 26 What’s the advantage of spiral model over waterfall model
Spiral Model Spiral model emphasize the following: Risk analysis Prototyping Iterative framework allowing ideas to be checked and evaluated
Question 27 What are the techniques used for prototyping?
Techniques for Prototyping Storyboards need not be computer-based can be animated Limited functionality simulations some part of system functionality provided by designers Warning about iterative design design inactivity – early bad decisions stay bad diagnosing real usability problems in prototypes….
Question 28 What is the definition of Design Rationale
Design Rationale Design Rationale is information that explains why a computer system is the way it is.
Question 29 Design for usability goal is to know how easy is the design for people to use, learn to use, recall how to use the system
Answer 29
Question 30 What are the usability objectives
Usability Objectives 1. Identify Usability and User Experience goals. 2. Apply usability rules and guidelines for designing human-computer interaction. 3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and design considerations of four types of user interaction mechanism: menus, form fill- in, command language, and direct manipulation.
Question 31 What are the principles of usability
Principles of Usability Learnability Flexibility Robustness
Question 32 What are the principles of learnability?
Principles of Learnability 1. Predictability 2. Synthesizability 3. Familiarity 4. Generalizability 5. Consistency
Question 33 What is Dialogue Initiative
Dialogue initiative Dialogue initiative is when the system allows the user to interact with it by granting the user total access without restrictions or constraints
Question 34 What is the definition of Multi-threading
Multi-threading. Multi-threading allows the user to work on different sites or applications at the same time.
Question 35 What does Migratability mean
Migratability It refers to the transfer of control for execution of tasks between system and user.
Question 36 What does SUBSITIUIVITY mean
SUBITIUVITY It is about the layout of the input or output that the user requires from the system.
Question 37 What does Customizability
Customizability It is how a user or the system changes the user interface. Example: hotmail interface
Question 38 How can you ensure the ROBUSTNESS (Strength) of the system
ROBUSTNESS principles 1. Observability 2. Recoverability 3. Responsiveness 4. Task conformance
Question 39