Northern Istria The path seven waterfalls
P The path seven waterfalls – 16 km 17
The bed of the Mirna River is regulated in the background is the city of Buzet...
The bottom of the creek was unusually white…
Crossing the creek
The first small waterfall and pond…
Heralds of spring…
We are in the canyon...
Second waterfall…
Stone trough …
The water drilling holes in the rock
The third waterfall and pond…
In some places it is quite steep …
The fourth double waterfall and pond …
Out of the canyon …
The depth of the canyon is about one hundred meters
Town of Buzet is close, we have not moved far away...
Crossing the creek near the village of Selce, go upstream...
Fifth waterfall with pond
On top of the waterfall (photo impressions)...
The view from a distance on double waterfall
The road after village
It is time of orchids...
Stone bridge - this was once an important vehicular route...
The road is almost healed...
Abandoned house...
Deserved rest...
The chapel near the village Kuhari…
In the distance we see the village of Kotli, there waiting for us a tavern and minestrone...
Mirna river flows under the bridge next to houses…
and creates the sixth waterfall...
Village Kotli has not yet been renewed...
After the break we go on...
Water rapids on the Mirna...
Seventh waterfall and pond...
Meander on the Mirna...
Mirna can easily be trampled...
Last obstacle is a hill near the village Pengari…
White violets was strange a lot...
A view on the valley behind us...
Mirna is making its way through the canyon…
Canyon Mirna Canyon Rečina Litle hip Again we are in valley near Buzet, here are streams connect…
Old town Buzet ( lat. Pinquentum )
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