Educator Preparation Update Certification Officials Drive-in Conference December 1, 2008
Overview – Upcoming Changes Impact on University Preparation Program Educational Preparation Update
Two tasks –Remove language regarding advanced programs –Check for language in the rule to allow for out- of-state NCATE accredited units and SPA accredited programs Timeframe: Spring 09 Revision of
Refinement of the Ed. Leadership Rules –Examine for possible contradictions –Elimination of confusing wording –Definition of “leader” –Move from one level to another (ex. building to central office) –Teacher leader –Conversion of L certificate to PBL Timeframe: Spring 09 Revision of & Accompanying Certification Rule
Rule revision to reduce the burden on small institutions regarding PSC approval of science programs. Timeframe: Spring 09 Math/Science Taskforce Recommendation
Move from the current requirement of five different levels (PK-K, 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9- 12) required for field experiences to three required levels (early childhood, middle school, and high school) Timeframe: Spring 09 Field Experiences in P-12 Programs
Align titles and language within the program and certification rules as well as in various locations on the PSC website Timeframe: Spring 09 Early Childhood Special Education
Include new languages in the rule (Hindi, Urdu, and Turkish) Winter 09 Foreign Language Rule
Review rule for confusing language and possible contradictions Examine national practice in middle grades education, especially regarding two concentrations Timeframe: Spring 09 Middle Grades Rule
Taskforce to examine and update rules regarding Health and Physical Education New Georgia standards will be developed by the taskforce Timeframe: Spring 09 Health & Phy. Ed. Taskforce
Diversified Cooperative Training (DCT) name change Review and update of the endorsement program Timeframe: Winter 09 DCT Endorsement
Develop a new endorsement rule for school nutrition directors Timeframe: Spring 09 School Nutrition Director
Examination of need for rules to establish programs that teach American Sign Language Timeframe: Fall 09 American Sign Language
Taskforce now at work developing standards for a coaching endorsement New leadership rules and broad use of academic coaching throughout the state indicate a need for programs to prepare coaches Timeframe: Spring 09 Coaching Endorsement
GaTAPP Umbrella –GaTAPP –OYSP –Secondary Fast Track –Internship –ADAC –Adjunct Teacher Winter 09 Changes in Alternative Preparation
Alliance of Education Agency Heads Recommendation: improve teacher induction as a way of reducing teacher attrition GAPSC, USG, and the GADOE will create a taskforce charged with the task of creating induction standards Once developed, teacher induction programs will be required to meet these standards Timeframe: Fall 09 Development of Induction Standards
There will be a recommendation for legislative action that would create a salary supplement for elementary teachers who have a math and/or science endorsement PSC will develop rules The General Assembly would need to provide funding ?? Math & Science Endorsements ??
David Hill: Penney McRoy: Phil Blackwell: Contacts