Neighborhood Watch Patrolling Patrolling TechniquesPatrolling Techniques Being a good witnessBeing a good witness ReportingReporting
Patrolling Techniques Vary times, locations, and patterns. Select likely times of activities. Patrol locations of incidents. Walk or drive in random patterns Patrol in pairs SafeMotivation More eyes Show of force Types of patrolling Foot patrol Vehicle patrol Bike patrol
Patrolling Techniques Uniforms Wear at least a bright colored T Shirt Sends message to bad guys Sends message to bad guys Shows organization Shows organization Lets residents feel safe and may get involved Lets residents feel safe and may get involved Tools Radios Radios Cell phones Cell phones Flashlights Flashlights Pen and note pad Pen and note pad Camera (video or still) Camera (video or still)
Being A Good Witness Observe Look for out of place vehicles, people, activities… Things that make you go… Hmmmm!!! Don’t get involved, Watch and report An independent third party witness is more credible and believable. Don’t try and physically stop anything. Don’t become involved in an argument. Don’t put yourself or anyone else in harms way
Being A Good Witness Record Information – Keep a patrol log of each shift of each shift Camera’s – Cell phone, still, video Camera’s – Cell phone, still, video Tape recorders – hand held and digital, to record Tape recorders – hand held and digital, to record other persons statements, or used by you to record current information. Pen and paper – write down notes of an ongoing incident, Pen and paper – write down notes of an ongoing incident, or to record a suspect situation that may be important at a later date. Can write your own notes or have preprinted field cards.
Reporting Accurate account of times, actions, and descriptions Who - Names, descriptions, license plate What - What happened, what took place, what was used When - Times (time of day, date, duration) Where - Location of incident, direction of travel, place hidden Why/How - Manner in which happened, reason for action
Reporting Who – Any information that can help identify the subject(s) Name – actual or other Description Clothing – Top to bottom – hat, shirt, pants shoes Physical features – Race, height, weight, hair, facial hair, scars, injuries, deformities. Vehicle Info – License plate, make and model and year, color, # of doors, rims, any damage to vehicle
Reporting What – An accurate account of what took place, or items used in a crime Keep it simple –Broke into a house, broke front window, struck victim with a large stick. Describe any tools or weapons used in clear simple terms like description of people. Size, Color, Shape Open hand/Closed fist,
Reporting When – When the incident took place and any relative time frame Date of incident Time of incident Time frame Length of time from incident to reporting, how long incident lasted
Reporting Where – Location of incident, subjects, victims. Addresses Descriptions of locations – Intersections of streets with direction and distance, description of house/building, landmarks Locations of subjects – Address, direction of travel (cardinal or landmark) with time frame
Reporting How/Why – Specific details of how or why the incident took place. How the window was broken Why the person hit the other person. How any tools or weapons were used (to include fists, feet, etc..) Example of report of an incident when you decide to call the Police Department. A w/m 15 to 20 years old wearing blue baseball hat/backwards, green t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and white high tops just threw a rock through the window of th St and ran North on Middle Ave toward 9 th St. The above is the initial call to dispatch. Details can be added later when talking to Officer, such as actions before incident, things said, bike he rode to the scene, etc.
How many people, and describe them. Any weapons? How many, who had it/them. What did the bald guy have in his hand? What kind of patch was on the right arm of the man with the helmet on? What type of gun was the man with the helmet holding and wearing? Describe the Picture!
Have at least two people to patrol Ensure you have equipment needed: recorder pen paper forms flashlight radio phone Have and keep a log of activities of patrol (who you talked to, what streets patrolled, etc..) Notify someone in charge of your start and end time Block watch leader EPD – Call dispatch ( ) and notify them of how many patrolling, how patrolling (on foot, bike, or car), location of patrolling, and contact info. Before Each Patrol Shift
Organize your patrol o Uniforms o Equipment Three types of patrolling o Foot o Bike o Vehicle Patrol o Vary routes, times, days Reporting o Who, What, When, Where, How/Why Notify o Let Block leader/EPD know of patrolling Keep log of all activities Patrolling
Contact Information Elyria Police Dispatch Elyria Police Dispatch Elyria Police Records Elyria Police Records Elyria Police Websitewww.elyriapolice.orgElyria Police