CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Bench mark in Business Aid for Trade – Project Implementation Presentation by Jiří Hansl, M.A. Praha/Prague, 11 August 2011
CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Bench mark in Business PROJECT ACTIVITIES STUDY VISIT PRAGUE –first project activity –main objectives are to: clarify details of project implementation, organization of project activities discuss best practices in the field of project management in order to strengthen the position of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in mediating funding opportunities for Serbian business community Finding new opportunities for bilateral relationship between the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbian in order to support bilateral co-operation of Czech and Serbian companies –time frame: August 2011 –participants: 5 Project Managers –Establishing relationship among the members of the team 2
CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Bench mark in Business PROJECT ACTIVITIES SEMINAR & ROUND TABLE BELGRADE & SOMBOR –second project activity –main objectives are: Introduction of European Commission‘s programmes (terminology, websites, etc.) Implementation of projects (drafting, preparation, submission, co-ordination, budget, controlling, etc.) Liaison with chamber members in order to handle their needs in a more efficient way –time frame: 5-10 September 2011 –participants: 2 experts (CCC & University of Belgrade), chamber staff, companies, etc. –the secondary objective is to speed up the process of Serbia‘s accession to the EU by helping the key persons understand the priority issues of EU support –more considerable involvement of Serbian companies in EU support programmes will also be encouraged 3
CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Bench mark in Business PROJECT ACTIVITIES SEMINAR & ROUND TABLE NIŠ –third project activity –main objectives are: Introduction of European Commission‘s programmes (terminology, websites, etc.) Implementation of projects (drafting, preparation, submission, co-ordination, budget, controlling, etc.) Liaison with chamber members in order to handle their needs in a more efficient way –time frame: beginning of October 2011 (to be determined) –participants: 2 experts (CCC & University of Belgrade), chamber staff, companies, etc. –the secondary objective is to speed up the process of Serbia‘s accession to the EU by helping the key persons understand the priority issues of EU support –more considerable involvement of Serbian companies in EU support programmes will also be encouraged 4
CZECH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE – Bench mark in Business PROJECT ACTIVITIES B2B PRAGUE (SEMINAR & COMPANY CONTACT EVENT) –fourth and final project activity –main objectives are: Providing up-to-date information on conditions for doing business in Serbia and the Czech Republic with focus on business opportunities for bilateral co-operation of companies Organizing a B2B for Serbian and Czech companies to discuss concrete business opportunities –time frame: end of October (to be determined) – tentative dates October –participants: 15 Serbian company representatives, 5 Project Managers, Czech companies, institutions, etc. –the secondary objective is to attract Serbian companies to co-operate with their Czech counterparts in order to use Czech Republic as a bridge and entry into the EU common market 5