PROJECT WHARENUI Te Kotahitanga Marae, Tirohia
Key Ingredients Good Governance Marae Action Plan Feasibility Study Dedicated Project team Funds
Governance Marae & Trustees registered with MLC Trustees understand their roles and responsibilities Trustees have solid financial and administration systems in place Trustees have approved the project
Marae Action Plan Agree on what we want to do Develop the Big Picture Agree on concept design Architects & consultants Forecasted budget Feasibility study
Funds Funding organisations Trust Waikato Dept of Internal Affairs HMTB Te Puni Kokiri
Where Are We Governance We are getting it together Governrite assessment Marae Action Plan Already had 2 hui & initial feasibility study Full Restoration; Need to do more talking with our families 3 year project ahead of us Cost will be about $1M Short-term plan to do further feasibility study
Where Are We Funding Organisations (750k) DIA can provide 2/3rds of total project costs Trust Waikato can provide up to 10% of total project costs; TW, TPK & DIA can fund feasibility studies Our Own Funding Program (350k) Know we have to raise funds 2/3 year timeframe
Draft Plan & Timeframe 2010 :- Talk about what we want & our BIG picture Draft feasibility framework Secure $$ to do feasibility study Put in place funding strategy 2011:- Keep talking Complete & approve feasibility study Approve plan for staged development with forecasted budgets Put in place dedicated project committee (DPT) Keep fundraising & apply to funding organisations where required
Draft Plan & Timeframe 2012 Keep talking; Keep supporting DPT, monitor building and financial plan; Commence work on physical structure Keep fundraising & apply to funding organisations as required; 2013:- Keep talking; Keep supporting DPT, monitor building & financial plan; Complete work on physical structure; Equipment & furnishings confirmed & purchased; Plan for opening confirmed & approved by trustees Keep fundraising 2014:- January opening !!!! Tidy Up
Conclusion Does this look about right ??