Grantee Program Plan
Components of the Program Plan Goals Objectives Activities Techniques & Tools Outcomes/Change
Project Description Goals and Objectives Goals and objectives are paramount to good program planning They provide the direction you need to DESIGN, IMPLEMENT and EVALUATE your program
Goals A broad-based statement of the program’s purpose A statement of the impact you hope to achieve May be written as general statements, not immediately measurable A broad and ambitious statement of a desired future outcome of your program if everything works
Objectives Intermediate steps or milestones that need to be achieved by a specific target group within a timeframe in order to meet a goal. Written as intended outcomes for the target group -- that is, what the target group will know, feel, or be able to do as a result of your efforts
Objectives Clear objectives are important: They outline your operating plan They demonstrate a match with the funder’s priorities outlined in the RFP They illustrate what you consider as program’s success TIP: Your proposal is a contract
Types of Objectives In a behavioral objective, a human action is anticipated For a performance objective, a behavior will occur at a certain proficiency level / timeframe In a process objective, the manner in which something occurs is an end in itself For a product objective, a tangible item will result from your project
Objectives Expressing & Formatting Objectives Express them clearly Avoid jargon and complicated language Ensure that your objectives tie directly to your statement of need Use positive phrases that indicate strong purpose: to increase… to decrease…to provide… to expand…to develop…to enhance…
Objectives Think of your objectives in terms of these questions: What are you trying to change? What kind of change are you trying to achieve? What degree or amount of change are you trying to achieve? What is the specific population? What is the timeframe for this change?
S.M.A.R.T. Objectives Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic Time Specific
Objectives are NOT… Activities or tasks undertaken by your team. An example of an objective: –By October 2010, establish a community leadership coalition of 12 members able to advocate for additional bus stops in South Oxnard Examples of an activities/tasks: –Identify prospective coalition members –Conduct interviews with prospective members –Educate community leadership coalition members on current transportation equity data and advocacy techniques
Activities Activities describe how you will achieve the objectives Think of the activities section as answering the following: What are the specific tasks and activities to be carried out in order to achieve a specific objective?
Evaluation Writing about evaluation Tool to determine effectiveness Learn from your experience Demonstrate progress/success Match the evaluation to your project Find easy and inexpensive ways of tracking your progress Linear progression from objectives to activities to outcomes.
Evaluation It is critical to have a plan to assess your program and its impact You must be able to demonstrate level of success in meeting your objectives –What tools and techniques will you use? –What outcomes and evidence do you expect?
Assessment Techniques & Tools Describes how data and information will be gathered and analyzed to measure change Include both qualitative and quantitative methods: –Qualitative: attendance records, sign-in sheets, observational notes, meeting minutes, meeting agendas, focus groups –Quantitative: pre/post tests or survey, test scores, proficiency in a skill, numerical outputs
Measurable Outcomes / Evidence What do you expect to happen as a result of this project? How will you define success? What evidence of change do you anticipate? In both quantitative and qualitative terms? When reporting, what actually happened as a result of our activities?
Putting the Terms Together… The goal is what you are trying to accomplish, in the big picture. The objectives set the course for how you will achieve the goal – they set the interim steps to work toward the goal. Remember! Objectives are SMART
The tools and techniques represent the information you use to measure whether or not you meet your objectives and measure overall change. The outcomes/evidence are what happen along the way –what do you expect to happen and what actually happened as a result of your activities? Putting the Terms Together…
Goal is to inspire civic action and democratic participation that contribute to a just society. SMART Objectives may include:1) By 12/31/2010, engage and educate 25 youth ages on community organizing principles utilizing the XYZ leadership and community organizing curriculum. 2) By 6/1/2010 youth leaders will present at 2 city council meetings on the need for increased lighting, bike lanes and crosswalks in their community. Activities might include: 1) Identify natural leadership groups on middle school and high school campuses, and 2) recruit prospective training participants from these leadership groups.
Putting the Terms Together… Assessment Techniques and Tools may include: sign-in sheets from each day of training, compilation of learning materials and handouts (curriculum handbook), pre and post test scores for each module, post-training competency interview, cumulative satisfaction survey results, and attendance and outcomes of city council meetings. Measurable Outcomes may include: 1) 85% of the youth participating will complete the week long training and leadership development course and 2) Those who completed, will demonstrate 65% recall on key community organizing action steps covered in the course.
Questions/Answers & Discussion Thank You!!