SAP Roundtable Amy Berrier Rachel Cavenaugh Lisa Koretoff Teresa Williams
SAP Basics Required Elements of an Institution’s SAP Policy: 0 Financial Aid progress standards must be as strict as or stricter than institution’s academic progress standards 0 Frequency of SAP evaluation 0 At least annually – No Warning permitted 0 May evaluate at end of each payment period – Warning permitted 0 Grade Point Average Standard – consistent with graduation requirements, but minimum of C-average at end of two academic years 0 Pace Standard – Pace at each evaluation that permits student to complete degree requirements within 150% of requirements 0 67% completion rate at each evaluation 0 Maximum Time Frame
SAP Basics Required elements continued 0 Impact of course incompletes, withdrawals, repetitions, and transfers of credit 0 Defined SAP statuses, in compliance with new Federal definitions, including statuses in which students are not eligible to receive Federal Financial Aid funds 0 Making Progress 0 Not Making Progress 0 Financial Aid Warning 0 Financial Aid Probation (for Approved Appeals) 0 Appeal procedures 0 How students re-gain eligibility to receive Federal Financial Aid funds 0 Notification to students
SAP Basics Warning 0 Can only be used if checking SAP each payment period 0 Financial aid warning status is assigned automatically and student is still eligible to receive aid during the financial aid warning term. Students do not need to appeal to be given financial aid warning status.
SAP Basics Probation 0 If SAP is checked annually, student may appeal to have a financial aid probation term to meet minimum requirements 0 If SAP is checked each term, student may appeal if after financial aid warning term SAP standards are not met 0 Financial aid probation without an Academic Plan is for one term only; probation with an Academic Plan may be for one term or multiple terms
SAP Basics Appeals 0 Regulatory changes now require the examination of the mathematical possibility for re-gaining SAP for approved appeals within the subsequent semester or the use of academic plans for approved appeals that are mathematically impossible to attain within one semester.
SAP Basics Academic Plans 0 An Academic Plan for an approved appeal may state specific conditions that must be met such as: 0 Register for fewer credit hours 0 Certain term grade point average required 0 May only take certain courses 0 May be as simple as a calculation or as detailed as a class by class schedule 0 May require buy-in from other offices on campus such as Academic Advising/Counseling
SAP Basics Hot Buttons 0 How do you handle change of majors? 0 Non-accepted credits for transfer students? Some evidently count them! 0 Happy Holidays and the appeal crunch…. 0 Buy-in from lots of departments
BEST SAP Practices Guilford Technical Community College Lisa Koretoff Director of Financial Aid
SAP Stats at GTCC 0 Financial Aid Warning Status for Fall 2014: Financial Aid Unsatisfactory for Fall 2014: Financial Aid Warning-Max Timeframe for Fall 2014: Financial Aid Max Timeframe for Fall 2014: Financial Aid Probation (Appeals) Denied Appeals Approved Max Timeframe Appeals Approved Appeals for GPA and completion rate (includes continuing students – making progress on plan)
GTCC SAP Policy 0 Maintain cumulative 2.0 GPA 0 Achieve 67% completion rate 0 Complete program within 150% of length of program measured in credit hours attempted 0 SAP calculated at the end of each term 0 Warning status for first term of unsatisfactory progress
GTCC SAP Appeals 0 Two forms – one for GPA/Completion Rate issues and another for Maximum Timeframe 0 GPA/Completion Rate appeals require documentation 0 Maximum Timeframe appeals require letter from advisor estimating graduation date
GTCC SAP Appeal Plans 0 All students on Probation must complete 100% of their attempted coursework with a 2.0 GPA or higher. 0 No F grades or Withdrawals permitted 0 Conditions will continue until progress is achieved. Maximum timeframe appeals are given a maximum number of remaining terms of eligibility.
GTCC SAP Strategies 0 Students on Warning status are notified by and by letter. 0 The letter is mailed approximately one month after the start of classes. It reminds students of their Warning status and points them to resources on campus that can assist them with improving their progress.
BEST SAP Practices UNC Greensboro Amy Berrier Assistant Director for Operations
SAP Stats at UNC Greensboro 0 Total Non-Compliant with SAP policy for Fall 2014 = Financial Aid Warning for Fall coded as financial aid warning 0 15 approved for financial aid warning 0 Financial Aid Non-Compliant for Fall Non-Compliant 0 Decisions 0 Denials – 110 First Denial, 16 Second Denial, 1 Final Denial 0 Approvals – 15 for max hours, 50 for late grade postings, 408 for extenuating circumstances, 163 for making up hours at own expense
SAP at UNC Greensboro 0 Each student is notified about non-compliance with SAP policy at the end of each term 0 SAP is reviewed after each term – Fall, Spring, Summer 0 Financial Aid SAP policy is now more in line with the Academic Good Standing Policy due to UNC System Changes 0 Proactive instead of reactive
Appeals Process 0 Student is notified of non-compliance with SAP policy via 0 Different s directed towards Financial Aid Warning and SAP Non-Compliance with specific requirements for each 0 Student submits appeal and required documents to the Financial Aid Office for review 0 Second appeals are reviewed by Financial Aid SAP Appeals Committee 0 Third appeals are reviewed by University Directors Committee 0 Decision made and student notified via
Undergraduate Students Appeals Process 0 Submit appeal to the Financial Aid Office 0 Submit required academic/personal success plan 0 Submit approved graduation plan signed by advisor (juniors/seniors) 0 Submit any other required documentation and/or comply with additional information requests by the Financial Aid Office
Graduate Students Appeals Process 0 Submit appeal to the Financial Aid Office 0 Submit required academic/personal success plan 0 Submit approved plan of study signed by advisor/Graduate School 0 Submit any other required documentation and/or comply with additional information requests by the Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Warning 0 Students who earn between 50% and 67% of locked hours and who have never been non-compliant with the SAP policy at UNCG will be placed on Financial Aid Warning. 0 Students on Financial Aid Warning must submit the following: 0 Undergraduate students – academic/personal success plan & graduation plan (juniors/seniors) 0 Graduate students – academic/personal success plan & plan of study
Students First Office at UNC Greensboro 0 SFO works with students directly on completion of graduation plan and academic success plan if needed 0 Refer to SFO for academic advising issues/clarification 0 Degree Works – students can run degree evaluations themselves now 0 Manage academic interventions for Academic Warning & Academic Probation students 0 Work closely with the Financial Aid Office regarding student specific issues
Student Success Center at UNC Greensboro 0 SSC consists of the Supplemental Instruction Program, Learning Assistance Center, & Special Support Services 0 SSS Director works closely with students who qualify regarding academic success plans 0 Students are referred to SSC for assistance with time management, study skills, and other academic issues 0 The Financial Aid Office works closely with the SSC on student issues and referrals
On-Campus Resources 0 The Financial Aid Office refers students to different on-campus resources for assistance with Academic Support, Health/Wellness Issues, and Student Advocacy. 0 Our Campus Resources Brochure is used widely at the University to direct students to the appropriate resources /14CampusResources.pdf 15/14CampusResources.pdf /Brochures/14CampusResourcesBrochure.pdf 15/Brochures/14CampusResourcesBrochure.pdf
SAP Documents at UNC Greensboro 0 SAP Policy SAP Appeal Instructions /14SAPinstructions.pdf 15/14SAPinstructions.pdf 0 SAP Appeal Form /14SAPappealandinstructions.pdf 15/14SAPappealandinstructions.pdf 0 SAP Success Plan Information Sheet /14SAP%20Success%20Plan%20Information%20Sheet. pdf 15/14SAP%20Success%20Plan%20Information%20Sheet. pdf
SAP Documents at UNC Greensboro Cont’d 0 Graduation Plan Instructions /14SAPGrad%20Plan%20Instructions.pdf 15/14SAPGrad%20Plan%20Instructions.pdf 0 Graduation Plan Template /14SAPGraduation%20Plan%20Template%20with%20 example.pdf 15/14SAPGraduation%20Plan%20Template%20with%20 example.pdf 0 SAP Medical Documentation Form Student Success Center Fact Sheet /14SAPSSCFactSheet_new.pdf 15/14SAPSSCFactSheet_new.pdf
BEST SAP Practices Wingate University Teresa Williams Director, Student Financial Planning
SAP at Wingate University 0 SAP is reviewed for undergraduate and graduate students after each term – Fall, Spring, Summer 0 Students not meeting SAP are notified via letter, indicating Warning or Probation Status.
Financial Aid Warning 0 Students who have not met the cumulative qualitative and/or quantitative requirements will be placed on Financial Aid Warning, and have the subsequent period of enrollment to regain SAP by meeting the requirements. 0 Qualitative Measure: Students must complete at least 67% of total overall attempted hours. This includes transfer hours. 0 Quantitative Measure: Student must maintain a cumulative GPA based upon hours attempted cumulative GPA cumulative GPA cumulative GPA
Financial Aid Probation 0 Students who are placed on Financial Aid Warning and fail to meet SAP requirements by the end of the subsequent period of enrollment will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. 0 Financial Aid Probation results in the loss of all financial aid funds. 0 Students who are placed on Financial Aid Probation may request an appeal by completing the SAP Appeal Form and submitting the required documentation.
Appeals Process 0 Student is notified of SAP status via letter. 0 Students receiving Financial Aid Probation letter submit the Financial Aid Appeal form and all required supporting documentation to the Financial Planning Office. 0 Appeal is reviewed by the Financial Planning Appeal Committee. 0 If appeal is approved, determination is made whether student can regain SAP in a subsequent period of enrollment, or if an academic plan is needed. 0 Students are notified of the Committee’s decision via a letter.
Academic Plan 0 Students with approved appeals that include the completion of an academic plan will be required to meet with the University Registrar’s Office to complete the academic plan. 0 Included in the academic plan will be a degree audit, required GPA and completion rate per term and any other factors that may impact the ability of the student to achieve SAP. 0 Student will be required to meet with Registrar’s Office each term prior to registering for future classes. 0 Failure to meet requirements of the academic plan at any incremental checkpoint will result in the loss of financial aid.
BEST SAP Practices for Veterans Cape Fear Community College Rachel Cavenaugh Assistant Director of Financial Aid & Veterans Services
VA SAP Basics 0 VA generally allows a student to be certified for 2 terms while on probation, subject to the school’s policy & SAA approval 0 A student terminated for Unsatisfactory Progress cannot be certified until he/she is once again meeting the progress standards published by that school 0 VA does not have its own standard progress standard, VA defers to the school’s policy 0 If the school’s standard is deemed not stringent enough, SAA establishes a separate policy for VA students that the school must follow
VA SAP Basics 0 Each student meets with Certifying Official (Rachel Cavenaugh) 0 Evaluation is ran for their program of study (student can also sign into their web advisor and run EVAL) 0 After each semester, file is updated with grades for that semester 0 If student is below 2.0 GPA, a verbal and written warning is given 0 Student cannot be certified for the next semester until grades have been reviewed to see GPA 0 If GPA is below a 2.0, student cannot receive pay for the next semester as they cannot be certified
VA SAP Basics 0 Student needs to pull GPA back up to 2.0 or they can do an appeal to see if they can be reinstated for their VA benefits. The appeal is sent to the Judicial Appeals Committee for their decision 0 If reinstated, the student can be certified 0 The school GPA is used for VA. This is calculated in accordance with the school’s academic progress policy 0 The Financial Aid GPA is used if developmental classes have been taken since the registrar’s side of the house does not include developmental grades
VA SAP Basics 0 The Veterans Administration leaves it up to the school to determine if a student is making SAP or not 0 If the student is on warning, the SCO should send an e- mail through the to let VA know the student is on 0 If the student goes on suspension, the SCO sends the information through VAOnce (software system that is used to transmit information to VA) as a termination with the message: “Unsatisfactory attendance, conduct or progress.”