Title of Time Division(s) Researched By Name and Name Picture of an actual fossil or rock specimen from one of your time periods. Caption explaining the image. Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste.
The Devonian Period 1. Explain what the name of the time period means. You should also tell other interesting information such as who named it and where the time period was identified/discovered. Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste. Title of First Time Period Researched
Time Frame of the Devonian 1. Tell the time frame the period spans. 2. Tell the subdivisions of the time period. 3. Show a picture of the geologic time scale and where your time period is located. (You do not need to show the entire time scale, just the range of your time period.) Be sure to change the above to your own time period! The Devonian time period takes place between the Silurian and the Mississippian Carboniferous time periods. There are better time scale images out there, you don't need to use this one! Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste.
Plate Tectonics during the Devonian 1. Show an image of where the continents might have been. Provide a description of what is happening. Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste. Be sure to change the above to your own time period!
Earth's Conditions During the Devonian 1. Explain what was the land, oceans, and atmosphere were like. Include when possible: 1. Oxygen Levels 2. Carbon Dioxide Levels 3. Mean Temperature 4. Sea Level 2. Show images with captions if you can find an artist's depiction of what the earth might have looked like. 3. You may use multiple slides if you need more room for images. Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste. Be sure to change the above to your own time period!
Life During the Devonian 1. Explain what life was like during the time. Be sure to include plant (flora) and animal (fauna) life. 2. Use several images with captions as much as possible. 3. Insert multiple slides for your images (don't forget captions!). Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste. We want to see pictures! Try to find artist's depictions of species as well as images of fossils from this time period. Be sure to change the above to your own time period!
Major Events During the Devonian 1. Outline the major events that happened during your time period. This may include climate changes, extinctions, and any other significant events. 2. Use images with captions as much as possible. 3. You may use multiple slides. Sources: List the title of the websites where you found the information and/or images used for this slide. Remember, plagiarism is never acceptable. Summarize or paraphrase information instead of copy/paste. Be sure to change the above to your own time period! Captions are very important. Without them, no one knows what the image is. Be sure to learn what the image shows and summarize this in a caption.
Additional Information You can use this slide to add in any additional information to your presentation. ● Video clip ● More information about the organisms in your time period ● Or anything else you would like to add about your time period
Title of Second Time Period Researched…(if needed) ● Some groups will research more than one time period. ● Be sure to share the responsibilities with your partner. ● Let the teacher know if someone is not doing their part. ● You will get time to work on the project in class. Your presentation must be complete by the due date. o If it is not complete, you will still present to the class with your incomplete project. o Incomplete or low effort projects receive major point deductions!