Transfer Admission Guarantees University Transfer Center
What you will need Unofficial transcripts from all institutions ever attended and any score reports from any AP or IB tests you’ve taken A copy of your Allan Hancock College unofficial transcripts Student ID (H number) Most recent copy of your SEP (optional)
Today’s Goals Fill out the TAP (Transfer Admission Planner)including your TAG application Have your TAP and TAG application reviewed by a counselor Submit your TAG application online Have your TAG questions answered Know what to expect after you have submitted your TAG
BASIC REQUIREMENTS UC TAG Choose one UC campus in which to complete a TAG (may still apply to all others during November application period) 30 units at time of application, 60 units total Meet minimum GPA requirement UC Davis (depends on major) UC Irvine 3.4 UC Merced (depends on major) UC Riverside (depends on major) UC Santa Barbara 3.2 UC Santa Cruz 3.0 English/Math completed (varies by school) Complete the UC TAP and submit UC TAG online by deadline YOU MUST APPLY TO UNIVERSITY WITHIN TIME FRAME
CampusMinimum UC transferable units completed to submit a TAG Minimum UC transferable units required to fulfill TAG Minimum GPA required for a TAGCompletion deadline for English Composition (UC-E) courses Completion deadline for mathematics course (UC-M) Davis 30 semester / 45 quarter; full time enrollment expected spring 2014 – spring 2015, part time permissible for good cause 60 semester / 90 quarter; full time enrollment expected spring 2014 – spring 2015, part time permissible for good cause 3.20 for majors in the Colleges of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Letters & Science for majors in the College of Engineering Fall 2014 for both courses Fall 2014 Irvine 30 semester / 45 quarter units must be completed in residence at a CCC 60 semester / 90 quarter3.4 for all UC transferable coursework by the end of summer 2014, and for each subsequent term Summer 2014 for first UC-E course; Spring 2015 for second UC-E course Summer 2014 Merced 30 semester / 45 quarter60 semester / 90 quarter3.0 for all majors in the School of Engineering for all majors in the School of Natural Sciences for majors in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, except Psychology which requires a 3.0 Fall 2015 for first UC-E course; Spring 2015 for second UC-E course; Fall 2014 Riverside 30 semester / 45 quarter60 semester / 90 quarter3.0 for all majors in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences 3.0 plus major prep for the School of Business Administration. 3.1 plus major prep is required for all majors in the Bourns College of Engineering and College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (except Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Neuroscience which requires a 3.2) Fall 2014 for first UC-E course; Spring 2015 for second UC-E course Fall 2014 Santa Barbara 30 semester / 45 quarter (excluding AP/IB credit) 60 semester / 90 quarter; (excluding AP/IB credit) last 30 semester / 45 quarter must be completed in residence at a CCC; with no more than 18 units in spring 2015 to reach 60 units Minimum 3.2 for all majors by the end of fall 2014 and maintained through spring All majors in Econ and Bio Sci. have a min GPA required for major prep classes (See assist for details). Fall 2014 Santa Cruz 30 semester / 45 quarter60 semester / 90 quarter3.0 for all majors; Min GPA requirements for some major prep courses. See UCSB TAG website for more details. Fall 2014 for first UC-E course; Spring 2015 for second UC-E course. Fall Students must demonstrate adequate prep in math and English. TAG Qualifications
Timeline Apply for a TAG Sept 1 st -30 th Apply to UC campuses Nov 1-30 th. Your information entered in TAG will be transferred to your UC Application, with your approval. TAG notifications will be posted no later than November 15 th January 2015 update UC application You will do this on the same website you applied for admission March-May you will receive an admissions notification
PREPARATION FOR TAGS Make an appointment with a counselor Prepare a student education plan Fill out your UC TAP (Transfer Admission Planner) online Meet with university representatives Attend field trips to universities Attend UC TAG workshops and UC TAG review Complete English/math GE requirements Major Prep --use Keep your GPA above minimum requirement for your school of choice
RESOURCES University Transfer Center Allan Hancock College Website Go to Quick links, click on “Transfer Information”, and select “Transfer Admission Guarantee or TAG” from the list of links on the left-hand side of the webpage. UC TAP Website ASSIST
Let’s Get Started! 1. Go to the following website: Either click on NEW STUDENT if you have not done so…or login with your username and password if you have already created an account