Hivos | 20111
Toolkit “Sustainable Coffee Farming as a Family Business” Objective To motivate and help practitioners in integrating a gender and youth perspective in coffee chain interventions and programs. Content I Introduction II Value chain analysis III Intervention strategies IV Monitoring and evaluation V Youth Developed by AgriPro-Focus and Hivos Powered by IDH See information sheet
The Gender in Value Chains Toolkit The Coffee toolkit will be adapted from the Gender in value chains toolkit The tools are selected from existing manuals. (a.o. USAID, GIZ, ILO, Oxfam, SNV) The toolkit and the separate tools are downloadable from the Gender in Value chain Ning: oolkit oolkit
Tools for each phase of the project cycle Tool Gender Mapping Tool Gender Based Constraint Tool Contributing to product quality Family based approach Cost & Benefits of VC interventions
Example: ‘Mapping’ a value chain from a gender perspective Objective Make contributions of women to the value chain visible, also the ‘invisible’ ones Identify involvement of women in the segments of the value chain where value adding is high; Use a gender lens to identify bottlenecks in the value chain.
Coaching Trajectories Objectives: contribute to better functioning coffee value chains, based on farming as a family business, producing more coffee of a better quality from which all members of the family benefit Outputs: staff of AFCA members (private sector, NGO or service provider) are trained and supported in applying gender- and youth sensitive approaches to sustainable development of the coffee value chain with family focus Coaching package includes: 1)Kick off workshop 2)3 days face to face coaching by coffee in value chain coach (spread of longer time) 3)Experiences sharing with peers 4)Advice on use of tools to apply from the toolkit
Coaching Trajectory in 2014 in Burundi and DRC, Time Frame 1st coaching meeting with coach after kick off workshop Refine the Gender Action Plan and the coaching objectives Set a « calendar » for the 3 days of coaching Knowledge sharing events / field visits (dates to be determined….) Coaching period lasts between 8 and 9 months Writing cases with impact achieved and lessons learned Closing workshop for sharing of experiences achievements
Familiarize participants with principles Introduce gender and value chain concepts and theories Present a selection of tools: gender based planning and analysis Identify challenges / gender based constraints and identify possible solutions for ‘own’ value chains Learn about strategies to mainstream gender in VCD and draft action plans Bring together the APF Agri-Hub coaching community in the country of intervention Objectives of the Kick-off workshop
learn at personal and organizational levels and impact on target populations Reflect on the coaching process, in terms of content, methodology and facilitation Share experience on the tools used (from the toolkit) and provide recommendations Reflect on the next coaching track and their future roles APF gathers information to feed into and improve the next coaching tracks Objectives of the Closing workshop
Sharing event Experiences Tools Results Field visit Stories Sharing Event: learn from others
Specific coffee coaching trajectories based on coffee toolkit To summarize: Coffee toolkit ready November 2014 Includes both gender and youth succesful approaches and tools To learn to apply tools, specific coffee coaching tracks for AFCA members could be done in AFCA countries from 2015 onwards Gender Action Learning System presentation by Charles Kainkwa Please join us in the group break out session on “Coffee farming as a family business”
THANK YOU! Contact Catherine van der Wees Charles Kainkwa
Hivos |
The Gender in Value Chains Toolkit Two types of tools: 1.To support data-collection and research to gain insight into gender constraints, opportunities and strategies within value chains; 2.To guide the facilitation of participatory processes in order to involve male and female value chain actors at different stages. 3.To combine interventions in an approach
Were can I find the toolkit?
What do you gain from using it? Insight in constraints faced by different gender groups in undertaking their activities in different nodes of the value chain Support to define actions to address these constraints Steps: 1.Analyzing gender based constraints per actor and activity in the value chain 2.Identification of actions to address gender-based constraints 2. Analyzing Gender Based constaints
Steps Analyzing Gender Based constaints
3. Making visible who contributes how to the quality of the product What do you gain from using it? Make men and women’s contribution to the quality of products and processes in the value chain visible. Create awareness of the unequal distribution of benefits between men and women from participating in the value chain. How does it work? Men and women work in separate groups Sharing and discussions their conclusions in plenary
4. Assessing costs and benefits of an intervention strategy for men and women What do you gain from using it? Assess the possible or actual costs and benefits of the value chain upgrading strategy for different actors in the value chain, considering relevant dimensions such as amount of work, income, social position or market position. Analyze costs and benefits differentiated by gender. How does it work? In a workshop men and women analyze the (potential) effects of an upgrading strategy for different actors, male and female). Using the cost - benefit matrix for reporting. Use different colors for positive and negative changes. Each group presents its completed matrix in a plenary session.