LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT BY: Jim Amadio Health, Wellness and Lifestyle Management Behavior Change- A lifestyle Management process that involves cultivating healthy behaviors and working to overcome unhealthy ones.
Factors That Influence Health and Wellness Health Habit Heredity/ Family History Environment Access to Health Care Behavior
CHECK YOURSELF! Examine your Current Health Habits Choose Target Behavior Learn About Target Behavior Find Help
Transtheoretical Model 6 Stages of Change: Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Termination
People in this stage of change are usually: PreContemplation People in this stage of change are usually: not thinking they have a problem not intending to change their behavior unaware of risks associated with behaviors In denial blaming others for their problem or behaviors Thinking of more important reasons not to change or have external factors to their problems or behaviors
CONTEMPLATION Know they have a problem People usually: Know they have a problem Intend to take action within 6 months Are aware of the costs of changing Believe that for success one must realize that the benefits of change outweigh the costs Believe that there are specific barriers to change that appear too difficult for them to overcome
Preparation People: Plan to take action within a month Began to make small changes in behavior Engage in new healthier behavior not consistently Created plans for change but worry about failing
Action People: Outwardly modify their behavior and environment Display the greatest commitment of time and energy Are prone to great risk for relapse
Maintenance People: Maintain their new healthy lifestyle for at least 6 months May or may not have relapses and if one occurs they make quick reestablishment May remain in this stage for a few months up to a few years
Termination For some behaviors, not everyone may reach the 6th and final stage of termination People in this stage are no longer tempted to relapse into old behaviors They have a new self image and total self efficacy with regard to their target behavior
Developing skills for change: Creating a personal plan Monitor your behavior and gather data Analyze the data and identify patterns Be smart about setting goals Devise a plan of action
1.) Monitor your behavior and gather data Record: What the activity was When and where it happened What you were doing How you felt at the time Example: If your goal is to start an exercise program tract your activities to determine how to make time for your workouts.
2.) Analyze the data and identify patterns Track behavior triggers Note connections between feelings and external cues Note the location, situation and actions of others around you
3.) Be “SMART” about setting goals Specific- avoid vague goals Measurable- make goals quantifiable (use numbers) Attainable- set goals within your physical limits Realistic- manage your expectations when setting goals Time frame-specific- give yourself a reasonable amount of time to reach your goal, state the time frame in your behavior change plan, and set your agenda to meet the goal within the given time frame
4.) Devise a plan of action Obtain what resources you need Modify your environment Control related habits Reward yourself Involve the people around you Plan for challenges
5.) Make a personal contract Including: The date you will start The steps you will take to measure your progress The strategies you plan to use to promote change The date you expect to reach your final goal
Obstacles Social influences Levels of motivation and commitment Choice of techniques and level of effort Stress barrier Procrastinating, rationalizing and blaming
1) Social Influences Focus on yourself Support group Real family/real friends Role models of influence Be an example Role Models Friends Family Me
2) Levels of motivation and commitment No progress until inner drive is found Personal commitment is ready to meet goals Healthy (vs) unhealthy behavior Desire of change will be stronger with healthier behavior Find natural inspiration and motivation boosters
3) Choice of techniques and level of effort Make changes where you are having most trouble Find healthy alternatives for goals Test yourself Push yourself because change is not easy Choose techniques that work best for you
4) Stress Barrier Hitting a wall: look at the sources of stress in your life Temporary stress: (such as catching a cold or having a term paper) wait until it passes before strengthening your efforts Ongoing stress: find healthier ways to manage it Stress management: make it your highest priority
5) Procrastinating, rationalizing and blaming Procrastinating: Break your plan into smaller steps that you can accomplish one day at a time Rationalizing: when you win by deceiving yourself it is not much of a victory Blaming: is a way of taking your focus off of the real problem and denying the responsibility of your own actions Click here to return to first slide