Ami Layman Assistant Director of Administration Getting Started & Funding Fundamentals
Increased demand for higher bandwidths are nation wide. OneNet partners with local providers for the last mile on Internet circuits. Staff is diligent in pursuing all available options to assist you in your needs for more bandwidth. A request is sent to every available partner in your area. Provisioning Process
Quotes There are many areas in the state that fiber is not available. If fiber is not available: – Bonded T1s – DS3 with equipment to convert to Ethernet – Wireless Options available in some areas – Some partners over Ethernet over Copper (EoC) Individual Case Basis Rates (ICB) – Many bandwidths are available that are not posted rates – Only true costs are used to calculate the rates to provide the service, no mark up.
OneNet Service Order Agreement (NEW) Purchase Order for Service & Service Establishment Important Notice: OneNet cannot begin to process an order or consider it valid until all of the above documentation has been properly completed, signed and returned to OneNet. Our Service Order Agreement can be found on our website. Ready To Order
Use your quote to complete the form or contact us to send it to you. Be sure to have any equipment needed to support your order ready for the requested due date. OneNet begins billing the service once the service is operational, regardless of on site customer equipment. OneNet staff will assist you in determining if your current router will support additional bandwidth. Ready To Order
Depending on the partner, a new install for a T1 is typically 30 to 60 days. Higher bandwidth orders could take 60 days to 6 months. OneNet will make every attempt to have your services operational within your timeframe. – In this stage, OneNet is at the mercy of the last-mile partner. – Order upgrades as early as possible. Timeframe for Upgrades
Upgrade Ordered, Now What? OneNet will contact you with an install date once we are notified by our last-mile partner. An update will be provided every 2 weeks. OneNet will be notified when the last-mile partner has completed their end of the install. OneNet staff will test the circuit with the last-mile partner. OneNet network staff will contact you to configure your router. Billing begins now.
Internet Access Web Hosting Web Hosting and are a value-added service if you have Internet service with OneNet. Web Hosting and can be stand alone services as well. E-Rate Eligible Services
OneNet will make every attempt to bid on your upgrade requests within the allowed time. If needed we may contact you to extend the bid period If OneNet’s bid for services is selected, OneNet will contact you to determine when you are ready to order the service. If you have not heard from us, please contact our office. E-Rate Bids
ERate Notice of Proposed Rule Making The FCC is seeking comments on proposed rule making. This will impact every school and library Simplify the application process Restructuring the allocation of funds Proposed phase out of selected services are only 1.61% of the fund Funds for Learning Proposal Over 4.9 billion requested in 2013/2014 Be sure your voice is heard. Comments are due September 16, 2013 Reply comments are due October 16,
Oklahoma Universal Service Fund – Eligible Services Internet Access Telemedicine OUSF
K-12, Vo-Techs and Libraries – Credit for each instructional classroom building receiving OneNet’s Internet is $ – One T1 credit $514 per month for each library. OUSF
OUSF Telemedicine Will pay for one telemedicine line. Annual recertification in January. Required to request Rural Healthcare first (if eligible).
Invoices without E-Rate discounts. Why is your E-Rate discount not on your invoice? Was your E-Rate filed within the filing window (471)? Have you received your FCDL? Have you filed a form 486 for the services? OneNet cannot discount your invoice until all of the above have been completed. Call if all of the above have been completed. OneNet Invoices
Begins January 1, 2014 Consortia and Individual Applicants- 65% Healthcare Connect Fund
Eligible Status- Rural – Not for profit – Public Eligible Type – Not-for-profit hospital – Rural health clinics – Community health departments/agencies – Post secondary educational institutions offering healthcare instructions IE: teaching hospitals and medical schools – Community healthcare centers providing health care to migrants – Dedicated emergency department of rural for profit hospitals – Part-time eligible entities – Consortia of all above
Filtering Solution OneNet will be offering a filtering solution this year. Filtering will be a separate line item on the invoice. Coming Soon