+ NON-UNIT EMPLOYEE EVALUATION PROCESS March 2010-April 2011 and January 2011-December 2011
+ WHY A NEW PROCESS Provide a mechanism for management to motivate and provide rewards and recognition to employees while supporting the achievement of the College’s goals, objectives and strategic initiatives. Develop our road map for the short/immediate/long term future, so the direction of the College is clear, the goals and objectives of each Organizational Unit are articulated, and the expectations of each employee are clearly identified. Provide a vehicle for communicating with employees and coaching them to help achieve individual performance goals and objectives that support the College’s mission, goals and strategic initiatives and the goals and objectives of the Organizational Unit. Provide an ongoing process of performance planning, coaching and giving immediate feedback. Foster an effective dialogue for communication between employee and supervisor to monitor and reinforce desired actions.
+ HOW IS THE PROCESS DIFFERENT The new process connects the College’s mission, its strategic initiatives, TCNJ ‘s core competencies, the employee’s essential job functions, and the employees goals. The New process simplifies the rating scale used to determine compensation increases. Measures core competencies and essential job functions Uses three categories: Does Not Meet Expectations, Meets Expectations and Exceeds Expectations to measure performance Assigns simplified values to each rating The tally of rating values provides an overall assessment rating used for compensation analysis Evaluation time period moves from April to March timeframe to January to December timeframe. New evaluation forms.
+ TRANSITION TO NEW PROCESS Currently in evaluation period that ends March 31, 2011 During the March/April timeframe complete evaluation for April 2010-March 2011 performance. Use new evaluation forms to assess employee performance Ratings will be used for July 2011 salary increases, if approved by the Board of Trustees In December 2010, set goals for the January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 evaluation timeframe Use the new evaluation form to set goals for 2011 Evaluation will take place in December 2011/January 2012 Ratings will be used for July 2012 salary increases, if approved by the Board of Trustees
+ HOW TO USE THE NEW FORMS Self Evaluation Forms Page 1 Employee completes the Employee Information section Employees who do not wish to provide a self evaluation should check the appropriate box Employee should sign and date the self evaluation form Page 2 – Section 1 For each of the TCNJ Core Competencies, the employee checks the appropriate box for Exceeds, Meets, or Does Not Meet Expectations. An explanation of each Core Competency is provided as well as the expected behaviors. The employee should use this guideline for their evaluation. The employee should use the comments area to indicate how he/she arrived at their assessment and any area they feel can be improved.
+ HOW TO USE THE NEW FORMS (CONT.) Page 3 – Section 2 For each of the Essential Job Functions, the employee should check the appropriate box for Exceeds, Meets, or Does Not Meet Expectations. An explanation of the expected behaviors for each Essential Job Function is provided as a guideline. The employee should use the comments area to indicate how he/she arrived at their assessment and any area they feel can be improved. Page 4 – Section 3 Employees should use the space provided to document the job related goals that they plan to achieve in the next evaluation period. For this evaluation cycle, the performance goals should be set for the period January 1, 2011 to December 31, All goals should be in support of the mission and strategic initiatives of the College and align to the overall goals and objectives of the employee’s work unit.
+ GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SELF ASSESSMENT All completed and signed forms should be shared with the employee’s supervisor as part of the evaluation process The original signed self evaluation should be returned to Human Resources for retention in the employee’s official file The employee and the supervisor should retain a copy of the self evaluation form for reference during the year
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Page 1 Complete the employee information section Signatures will be obtained after the review has been discussed with the employee The Performance Review Summary area provides information about how the two sections of the evaluation work together to establish a total score. Performance definitions are provided as a guideline for determining whether an employee’s performance in a measured area Exceeds, Meets,or Does Not Meet Expectations.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Page 2 An explanation of each Core Competency and the expected behaviors are provided. The supervisor should use this guideline for the evaluation of the employee’s performance. For each TCNJ Core Competency, the supervisor should check the box that best depicts the employee’s performance for the evaluation period from Exceeds, Meets, or Does Not Meet Expectations. The three ratings: Exceeds Expectation, Meets Expectations, and Does Not Meet Expectations are tied to a value (1 through 3) that will be totaled for each category and used to access overall performance. Employees may receive a maximum of 15 points total for the core competency portion of the evaluation. Comments should always be provided, but comments are required for the rating of Exceeds or Does Not Meet Expectations.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Page 3 – Section 2 For each Essential Job Function, Job Knowledge and Work Quality, the expected behaviors are provided. The supervisor should use this guideline for the evaluation of the employee’s performance. For each Essential Job Function, the supervisor indicates the corresponding value that best depicts the employee’s performance for the evaluation period in the box next to Exceeds, Meets, or Does Not Meet Expectation, as appropriate. The rating value assigned will be totaled for each category and used to access overall performance. Employees may receive a maximum of 12 points for the Essential Job Function portion of the evaluation. Comments should always be provided, but comments are required for the rating of Exceeds or Does Not Meet Expectations.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Section 2 continues on page 4. As you input your evaluation, the scoring will be totaled for you. The Summary Matrix provides information on how the scoring corresponds to performance. An area is provided for additional comments that you feel may be relevant to the employee evaluation.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Page 4 – Section 3 Supervisors should use this section to set the employee’s goals for the next evaluation period. For the next evaluation cycle, the timeframe will be January 1, 2011 to December 31, Supervisors should set at least 1, and in most cases no more than 3, goals. Goals should be set with input from the employee obtained through discussion prior to evaluation review. SUGGESTION: In December, share your goals for your Unit with the employee and ask the employee to begin to think about his/her goals for the next year and provide you with a copy. This can be used as a basis for setting goals.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) The goals should be tied to the mission and strategic initiatives of the College and the goals and objectives of the Organizational Unit. The goals should be consistent with the employee’s job description. Each goal should have an action plan that sets forth how the goal will be obtained. Each goal should have a measure to assess performance and progress toward the goal. Each goal should have a targeted date for completion. This date may cover the entire evaluation period, be set for sometime during the evaluation period, or be part of a long-range goal that may extend beyond the evaluation period. The supervisor should indicate the desired result achieved from reaching the goal.
+ SUPERVISOR’S PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Page 5 – Employee Signature This area is provided for the employee’s signature. Employees wishing to provide additional comments related to the performance evaluation and review should attach a separate sheet.
+ INPUT FROM HEAD OF ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT OR DESIGNEE Evaluation forms should be forwarded to the head of the Organizational Unit or their designee for input prior to review with the employee. After the review has been completed, and the supervisor and employee sign the review document, the paperwork should be forwarded to the Unit Head and/or Cabinet Member for signature.
+ FINALIZING THE PAPERWORK Original Completed Evaluation forms should be forwarded to Human Resources to be filed in the employee’s official file. Please include an updated job description with the submission to Human Resources. The employee and the supervisor should retain a copy of both the evaluation and the job description. For the evaluation period endings March 31, 2011, please have all forms to Human Resources by June 1, For the evaluation period ending December 31, 2011, please have all forms to Human Resources by February 15, 2012.