FDPIR ELIGIBILITY Part 1: How is your tribe administrating client’s applications? Part 2: Who is eligible, certification periods and household scenarios Part 3: Case File Management, Notice of Adverse Action, Claim for Over-Issuance of FDPIR Benefits, Fair Hearing Requests Part 4: Wrap up with Questions and Comments
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Income Based Requirements Residency Requirements Other requirements AM I ELIGIBLE FOR FDPIR?
Net Monthly Income Standards Effective 10/1/2013 HH Size$$$ limit Over / (under) 1$1,456 2$1,875 3$2,295 4$2,714 5$3,133 6$3,566 7$3,985 8$4,404 Each additional Member $ INCOME STANDARDS FY14:
“Low-income American Indian and non-Indian households living in approved areas near a reservation or in Oklahoma that contain at least one person who is a member of a Federally-recognized tribe are eligible to participate in FDPIR.” In Alaska, Native Villages/Tribal areas are considered to be a “reservation”. Approved “near areas” may be included. Check with your tribe’s MOA to find out if your tribe has an approved near area. Near areas cannot be other reservations/tribal lands. RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT:
Household members who are disqualified from SNAP and/or FDPIR, must not receive SNAP and/or FDPIR benefits during their disqualification period. Intentional Program Violations (IPV’s) First Violation: Not eligible for either SNAP/FDPIR for 12 months. Second Violation: Not eligible for either SNAP/FDPIR for 24 months. Third Violation: Not eligible for either SNAP/FDPIR permanently OTHER NON- FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS
Fill out application completely. Blank pages and sections are confusing and need to be avoided. Include “N/A” or “0” if not applicable. If unclear or conflicting information is included on the application, ask the household to clarify! This helps cut down the wait time for a decision. An interview with the household needs to be completed the day of the application date or ASAP to verify household circumstances. FDPIR APPLICATION
Include a signed Collateral Contact form for those over the age of 18. Verifies Residency and Income. This form ensures household members over the age of 18 know they are being signed up to be considered for FDPIR benefits. This form helps tribal administrators understand the household’s income based on questions regarding their income. COLLATERAL CONTACT FORM
A family consists of 7 people, and all live in the same home: father, mother, daughter 19 years old with a one year old child, another daughter 15 years old, and a son and his wife, both 24 years old. The application states the son and his wife take care of their own meals, and their earned income is $3,000 per month. The father works and is paid $950 every two weeks, and the mother works and receives $700 weekly. A) How large is the Household (HH) for FDPIR purposes? B) Calculate the Net Monthly Income for the FDPIR HH. C) Is the HH FDPIR eligible? D) If not, why not? HOUSEHOLD SCENARIO 1
An elderly couple is certified. They have difficulty picking up their food package and would like their son to be their authorized representative and pick up their food packages. He is employed by FDPIR as a distribution worker. A)Can he act as this parents’ authorized representative (AR)? B) If not, why not? C) If so, what steps would be required before he could be approved? HOUSEHOLD SCENARIO 2
A man comes to your office and says he wants to apply. He says in a loud and abusive tone that if he doesn’t get his food within 15 minutes, he will kick you up and down the street. A) Are you obligated to provide him service? HOUSEHOLD SCENARIO 3
How many days does a household have to report a change in income or household size? A)How many days do you have to act upon the change? B)What do you need to do to when a change makes the household ineligible? HOUSEHOLD SCENARIO 4
When dual participation occurs, which agency must issue a claim? What should you do when an unreported change is discovered? A)What changes are required to be reported? B)When must you issue a claim letter? C)Can you suspend a claim? HOUSEHOLD SCENARIO 5
If a person is receiving unemployment, and taxes are being withheld, does that person receive a 20% deduction? What is meant by “expedited service”? In your own words, explain the circumstances that would entitle someone to receive expedited service. If an applicant household cannot provide required verifications within the time required, the application contains the required information and it appears to be otherwise eligible, what should be done? HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS
How long of a certification period should a household reporting zero income be assigned? If someone reports zero income every month, what should you do? If someone is paid weekly, what is the conversation factor? If someone is paid bi-weekly, what is the conversation factor? HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS
Applications have 7 business days before a decision is to be reached by the ITO/State agency. Do not include weekends and holidays when counting seven days out from the time the client has turned in an application. Expedited Cases have 1 business day from the time an application is received. Expedited Cases: out of food and/or zero income. Cannot be participating in SNAP during the same month. APPLICATION IS TURNED IN. NOW WHAT?
FDPIR File Cabinet: Add three sections in your file cabinet: “CPV” “Open” “Closed” Have the “CPV” files in the front to keep track of the files that need immediate attention. When files are nearing their Certification Period End, move those files into the “CPV” section. Keep files in alphanumeric order in all three sections. CASE FILE MANAGEMENT
File Folders: I highly recommend a Top File Tab 2 Fastener Manila File Folder. Left side of the file folder: Application -Tab- “Recerts/Verif.” Recertification/Change Report Forms Verification documents A tab labeled “Recerts/Verif.” is used to separate the Application from the Recertification/Change Forms and Verification documents. What is looks like: Application on the top; the “Recerts/Verif.” Tab and the client’s Recertification/Change Report Forms and the applicant’s verification documents (bank statement, etc) on the bottom. CASE FILE MANAGEMENT
Right side of the file: Eligibility Worksheets FDPIR Letters -Tab- “Notes” Case Notes A tab labeled “Notes” is used to separate the Eligibility Worksheets and FDPIR Letters from the Case Notes. In the Case Notes section; please include a copy of the applicant’s Food Issuance Sheets. CASE FILE MANAGEMENT
If a household is found to meet residency, income and other eligibility requirements (including not being on SNAP), mail or hand deliver a Letter of Eligibility. In this letter, notify the household how long their certification period is for. APPROVAL
What must you do when you determine that a household is ineligible? A)What information must be in a notice of denial? B)What is the time limit in which a notice of denial must be sent? If a household is found to be ineligible for FDPIR, mail or hand deliver a Denial Letter. In this letter, notify the household the reason why they are determined to be ineligible. Include a Request for Fair Hearing with their denial letter. DENIAL
What information must a notice of adverse action contain? Reason for the Adverse Action and Date that this action will come into effect Right to Request a Fair Hearing and right to continue FDPIR benefits at current level while hearing is pending Timeframe when a household can request a Fair Hearing A notice that the household will be liable for any over issued benefits during the pending time frame, if decision for Adverse Action (lowering of benefits) remains in effect Contact information for additional information Contact information for an individual and/or organization who provides free legal consultation NOTICE OF ADVERSE ACTION
Timeline: Household is given a decision about their application. Household has up to 90 days to file a Request for Fair Hearing. The tribe has 60 days from the time a Request for Fair Hearing is received, to complete a Fair Hearing for the household. FAIR HEARING REQUEST
Determine how many months the household has received FDPIR benefits outside of their eligibility. AIS system is able to calculate the cost of the food that needs to be paid back to the ITO/State agency. You may also use the Over Issuance Worksheet Template (FDP032) to help manually track the client’s over issuance. OVER ISSUANCE OF FDPIR BENEFITS