+ The How-To’s of Prism Project Lesson Planning Chloë Hines, Claire Lefkowicz, & Elizabeth Fisher
+ Prism Project Lesson Planning Things to Know/Consider Pre-Assessment Appropriate Material Modifications & Accommodations Processing Time for Performers Where to begin?
+ Things to Know & Consider Time frame of lesson Number of performers Age of performers Levels of performers’ ability Activities for the day
+ Pre-Assessment Begin each lesson with simple activities to assess ability levels Prepare a fun activity to engage performers Plan activities to help familiarize the performers to the content
+ Appropriate Material Age appropriate material Content appropriate material Enjoyable material Material that CAN be adapted Material that is easily adaptable
+ Modifications & Accommodations Pacing of lesson Amount of material to cover with each group Creating visuals and providing guides for performers Ex: PowerPoints, Lyric Sheets, Picture Cue Cards, Physical Gestures Create a plan that is flexible and informal Changes during the rehearsal can interfere with a lesson plan
+ Processing Time for Performers Using “wait time” when working with the performers Encourage performers to engage in activities at all times Incorporate a variety of activities in each lesson to keep performers engaged
+ Example Lesson Plans Prism Project Lesson Plan Template Example of Theatre lesson plan Example of Dance lesson plan Example of Music lesson plan
+ Prism Project Lesson Planning Things to Know/Consider Pre-Assessment Appropriate Material Modifications & Accommodations Processing Time for Performers Overview
+ Prism Project: The Musical Spring2013