INTRODUCTION This session focuses on implementing, monitoring, and funding strategies in line with set objectives for the session. The Harare City Team examined existing activities during the previous assignment. A draft workplace policy was developed and possible partners identified for the implementation of activities. In this assignment three priority activities are highlighted into a budget workplan.
ASSIGNMENT 4 To identify 3 Activities that the team had proposed in the previous assignment The following activities were selected: -LGA Policy on HIV/AIDS -Peer Education among Employees -Establishment of Youth Corners
Formulation of LGA HIV/AIDS Policy Establishing Task Force Made up of all Departments Establishment of Departmental Committee Provide HIV/AIDS related training to task force and Focal Persons Prepare, implement and monitor HIV/AIDS Work plans for all departments Who will Implement LGA Focal PersonLGA Focal person LGA Focal Person Whop will Monitor-LGA Focal person -Task Force -Departmental Focal Person -LGA Focal person -Task Force -LGA Focal Person -Task Force -LGA Focal Person -Task Force Budget Available Funds -Personnel -Staff Time -Building Space 22 million 1 million Additional FundsNational AIDS Council (NAC) 1.5 million Outputs3 Meetings Done Advocacy Sensitization
To ensure that LGA employees are informed about HIV/AIDS and the work place policy Distribute Policy Documents to all employees Train Peer Educators and counselors for all departments Conduct Peer Education and Counseling Activities Develop and Distribute Literature and Condoms Who will Implement - LGA Focal Person - Task Force LGA Focal person Peer educators-LGA Focal Person -Task Force -Peer educators Whop will Monitor -LGA Focal person -Task Force -LGA Focal person -Task Force -Peer Educators-LGA Focal Person -Task Force -Peer educators Budget Available Funds -Venue -Training facilities -Transport Z$ Z$ Additional FundsNational AIDS Council (NAC) Z$ Outputs-70 Peer educators trained -HIV /AIDS Policies developed -Peer education and counseling sessions done
Establishment of youth corners Train Youth in education and counseling Conduct peer education and counseling activities Develop and Distribute materials Who will Implement-Focal person -Civic Society Organization -Task Force -Focal Person -Youth peer educators -Focal Person -Youth peer educators Whop will Monitor-Focal person -Civic Society Organization -Task Force Budget Available Funds-Youth corners (sites) -Staff time -Building space (venues for training) Z$ 30 million Z$ 6 million Additional FundsNACZ$ 24 million Outputs-100 Youths trained -6 counseling sessions per week leaflets produced and distributed
HOW TO ACCESS FUNDING TO IMPLEMENT THE WORKPLAN ACTIVITIESINPUTSCOSTTIME FRAME -Establishment of LGA task Force -Establish departmental committees Advocacy Meeting Mayor Town Clerk Councilors Head of Department Sensitization of middle managers in all departments District nursing officers Social organizers District Health systems Administrators District Environmental Officers -Note pads, pens -Refreshments -Training materials -Transport -Facilitator’s allowance -Focal persons time 1.5 million dollars 500,000 20,000 3 rd Week of February
HOW TO ACCESS FUNDING TO IMPLEMENT THE WORKPLAN ACTIVITIESINPUTSCOSTTIME FRAME To ensure that LGA employees are informed about HIV/AIDS and the work place policy Develop and Distribute Policy documents to all employees Train peer educators and consellors Conduct peer education and counselling activities Consultative meetings Develop and produce 5000 copies of policy documents Train 70 peer educators Conduct 2 peer education and counselling sessionsper week Typing Food training material Venue Training Cousultant Transport 30 million dollars 5 million dollars In-kind contribution 700,000 By February 2005