Procurement Services/ISDS Action Plan Create an Automated Process to Finally Close POs for the Time Frame July 2001 through November 2006 o Purchase Orders must meet established criteria o Automated Process will exclude POs created by Procurement Services buyers Create an Automated Process to Finally Close POs Going Forward on a Rolling Six-Month Basis o Process to be run on a monthly basis o Purchase Orders must meet established criteria o Automated Process will exclude POs created by Procurement Services buyers Create an Automated Process to Finally Close POs Identified by Procurement Services buyers o Buyers will review POs that meet all of the established criteria and determine which POs can be Finally Closed
Established Criteria for Automated Process POs from July 2001 – November 2006 PO has a Closed Status of CLOSED PO is in a APPROVED Status All Lines on the PO have a Line Type of LPO < $5,000 Amount Billed is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO Amount Ordered PO’s Last Update Date is < 01-DEC-06 Line End Date is < 01-DEC-06 or is NULL PO is NOT CANCELLED
Established Criteria for Automated Process POs After November 2006 PO has a Closed Status of CLOSED PO is in a APPROVED Status PO was automatically generated from requisition – not created by a Procurement Services buyer Amount Billed is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO Amount Ordered PO’s Last Update Date is More than 6 Months Ago Line End Date is More Than Six Months Ago or is NULL PO is NOT CANCELLED
Departmental Responsibilities Departmental PO Purchasers will need to Finally Close POs that: Do not meet all of the established criteria for the automated process Are tied to a Grant that is being closed, if the POs have not been closed by the automated process Discoverer Reports will be Created for Use in Identifying these POs We Suggest that you Begin by Reviewing and Finally Closing these POs that Fall Within the July 2001 – November 2006 Timeframe Going forward, you should review and finally close these POs at least quarterly View PO Details, including attachments, for Finally Closed POs through PO Summary Header, Lines, Shipments and Distribution screens
Questions? Comments? Future Questions? Feel free to contact one of us! Sue Shy John