Intelligent and efficient travel management for European cities CO-FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION DG INFSO, ICT PSP PROGRAMME In-Time Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm In-Time – Frame Data oIn-Time – Intelligent and Efficient Travel Management for European Cities Pilot Typ B for CIP-ICT PSP Project with 22 Partners, co-ordinated by AustriaTech Budget of project: 4,58 Mio EURO, of which 2,29 Mio EURO are funded by the EU Kick-off: 1st April 2009 Duration of project: 3 years
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Basic Idea of In-Time Implementation of a pan-European multimodal Real-Time Travel Information System through the implementation of a standardised harmonised interface between operators and service providers, aiming at the reduction of the energy consumption of the single traveller by changing his travel behaviour.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm In-Time Concept Oslo Vienna Bucharest Brno Munich Florence Intermodal Real-Time Travel Information Service Intermodal Real-Time Travel Data Spatial Data BUSINESS TRAVELLER TOURIST/ PRIVATE TRAVELLER OTHERS REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm In-Time information delivery handy-navigation_ jpg
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Infrastructure Operators (Road, PT,…) provide continuously up-dated data and services on an agreed data/service quality RDSS “translates” different data into a standard format and provides them on a harmonized, standardised level to Transport Information Service Providers (TISPs) Concept of the RDSS (Regional Data/Service Server) TISPs get requests from their User Groups, fetch and merge relevant data from RDSS and provide them to their User Groups
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm In-Time Pilot 2Pilot 1 Architectural concepts TISP Adapter Service 1 Adapter Service 2 In-Time B2B C.A.I. Specification In-Time B2B C.A.I. Specification In-Time system: a distributed architecture (SOA) Adapter Data Adapter Data RDSS data in Pilot-specific format Data Adapters to be implemented by each pilot Service Provider Registry Data Adapters to be implemented by TISPs End user services Service Provider Other central service Adapter Exposed In-Time interfaces (B2B CAI)
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm End-User Services Dynamic Multimodal Journey Planning Mandatory Core Service static road traffic information dynamic road traffic information (higher road network) static parking info static public transport information walking information Add-on Service dynamic freight traffic information dynamic POI info dynamic traffic event information dynamic weather information static and dynamic flight information Core Service dynamic road traffic information (secondary road network) dynamic PT info dynamic PT journey routing dynamic parking info enhanced walking planning dynamic cycling planning
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Expected Impacts on Travel Behaviour oModal shift away from individual traffic: around 3%, as private users will be enabled to compare transport modes and make a choice. Improved customer acceptance of PT operation. Reduction of road traffic jams Improved safety Higher mobility of people and goods across different transport modes through the provision of accessible and reliable information services.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Expected Impacts on the Environment oProviding intermodal real-time traffic information for a better selection of the travel mode towards greener transport modes. oReducing the following emissions through an improved traffic management system: - pollutants and CO 2 Emissions, - particle emissions, - noise, etc. oLowering energy consumption by: - optimising traffic control (Eco-flow) - enhancing the product life-cycle - reducing power consumption by using LED technologies
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Methodology oIndividual traveller behaviour will be conducted with quantitative methods for data collection (minimum 150 test persons). oEffects of the behavioural change of test persons will be simulated and applied onto the full traffic system thus giving an insight into the global changes In-Time provides oSocio-economic effects are simulated and assessed in terms of overall energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and delay times.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm City of Bucharest: Traffic Management oThe reduction on energy consumption of traffic management will be measured in the City of Bucharest: New traffic control system started in 2007 This system will be full operational in In 2006 traffic data and environmental data have been collected ("before"- status). In the pilot the "after"-status will be collected and compared with results coming from the other In-Time pilot cities oOver the Bucharest network area it will be possible to make measurements with the system ON/OFF: This is permitting a direct comparison of energy consumption over the full controlled network Data are derived from travel time measurements for private traffic and public transport as well as multimodal and route choices. oThe results of this evaluation will be very important for the assessment of the impact of modern intermodal real-time traffic management solutions on a reduction of the energy consumption in urban transport.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm City of Bucharest: Traffic Management – Traffic Control oDynamic Traffic Control: to measure the impact of the adaptive traffic control system configured to reduce fuel consumption (i.e. implement the eco-flow concept) with selective bus priority function the data collected used as a basis will include: travel time both private cars and public transport vehicles (300) on selected fixed routes within the area where the Traffic Control system is active (these are referred to in the following as fixed route trials); measurement of number of stops made at traffic lights and overall time vehicle is stationary (based on probe vehicle data); average speed of private vehicles when in motion.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm City of Bucharest: Traffic Management – PT Fleet oPublic transport fleet management: The impact of automated vehicle (bus) management on energy consumption will be assessed my means of: average speed of Public Transport Vehicles while in motion; total stopping time and number of stops.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm City of Bucharest: Traffic Management – Managing Demand oDemand Management through Info mobility: To assess the impact of pre-trip and on-trip traveller information and guidance on traveller route and modal choices, it is planned to collect the following data: Travel time (e.g. on board, waiting time at bus stop etc.) for selected OD relations within the area of system. Users have free path selection; to be carried out with the systems ON and OFF. The survey will mainly assess differences in total distances travelled and vehicle speed. Collecting of OD data and also Household Surveys. Energy consumption estimates: apply energy consumption models and algorithms to the above data for different ITS areas. Overall fuel consumption and motorisation statistics for Bucharest to calculate the change in energy consumption (volume of fuel consumed per million inhabitants/year for vehicles within the system).
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm City of Bucharest: Traffic Management - LED oEnergy Consumption of the Infrastructure: The efficiency of technology choices with regard to energy consumption of the infrastructure and especially the adoption of LED technology for signal heads will be assessed by means of: an estimate of the amount of energy needed to operate the traffic control system in the area concerned; here, in addition, it is also planned to make: a product life cycle analysis, with information from the manufacturer to permit an estimate of total costs over full lifespan of the LED technology; an estimate of CO2 emissions is also possible.
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Partners Pilot Cities: oVienna oFlorence oBucharest oBrno oMunich oOslo Service Provider Validation Dissemination
Alexander Frötscher / Martin Böhm Contact Information Alexander Frötscher Martin Böhm AustriaTech Gesellschaft des Bundes für technologiepolitische Maßnahmen GmbH Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd