Doing our part… for the environment
2 The Environment – Important to Canadians The environment the “number one” issue for Canadians (Harris-Decima, October 2007) 91% of Canadians believe they should “do their part” to fight global warming (Ipsos-Reid, July 2007) 78% believe Canadian industry doing “only fair” or “poor” job addressing environment issues (Environics, April 2007) 78% believe federal government doing “only fair” or “poor” job addressing environment issues (Environics, April 2007)
3 Worldwide public opinion “Climate change biggest or second biggest concern” Canadians: 31% (up 18 points in six months) Swiss: 36% Japanese: 22% Indians: 19% Mexicans: 19% British: 15% Americans: 13% (up 7 points in six months) Chinese: 9% Source: AC Nielsen/ECI June 2007
4 Aviation: Canadians are paying attention “Green Skies a Tall Order” –National Post (June 2007)
5 Globally - the United States “the havoc that unfettered air travel was wreaking on the world's climate… ”
6 Globally - Europe
7 Industry Acknowledgement “We know we contribute to climate change, and that we need to do something about it.”
A Few Figures
9 CO 2 emissions Source: October 2006 Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (2000 data) Man-made CO 2 emissions
10 Global man-made CO 2 Source: International Energy Agency, 2002 Aviation in context
11 Mode Comparisons British thermal units/passenger mile Source: U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation & Emissions, A Primer (2005)
12 Fuel efficiency Source: IATA WATS Litres per pkm CO 2 (g) per pkm 2020 IATA Members average efficiency Increased fuel efficiency
13 Decoupling emissions further Technology Emissions trading ? Time Operations Traffic growth (5% pa) Air Traffic Management Emissions growth (3% pa) Increased traffic…and efficiency
14 ACI Policy on Climate Change A.Address aviation climate change impacts on a global level B.A long-term strategy to reduce emissions per an ICAO roadmap, with measured objectives to be reached by 2050 C.Global CO 2 emissions trading – not capacity constraints, taxation or charges D.Measures and timeframe for addressing NO X and contrails/cirrus once their impact is better understood E.Airports to continue to take action on emissions within their direct control, including technology development and design strategies Adopted November 2006
15 Canadian Context Population 33 million Second largest landmass in the world Great distances between communities 10 major international airports, 300 smaller airports Canada is a large, sparsely populated country…
16 Canadian Context …domestic aviation still just 4.6% of transportation emissions, 1% of all emissions Source: Environment Canada, 2006, Trends in GHG Sources and Sinks in Canada
17 Aircraft Emissions Airport Emissions Noise Recycling Hazardous Materials Environmental Issues: More than just emissions
18 Environmental Issues: More than just emissions Efforts to shorten flight paths through early turns upon takeoff, which reduces fuel and emissions, must be reconciled with community perceptions of increased aircraft noise Noise
19 Environmental Issues: More than just emissions Construction Practices As part of the construction at Toronto Pearson Airport, 450,000 tons of concrete rubble was crushed and used it for road base materials in the preparation of new aprons.
20 Environmental Issues: More than just emissions Waste Disposal/Recycling Vancouver International Airport in 2006 recycled: - 29% of airport terminal waste - 24% of satellite site waste - 91% of material from construction projects
21 Environmental Issues: More than just emissions Hazardous Materials Through new equipment installed at Victoria Airport, 50% less glycol is used in de-icing operations
22 Environmental Issues: More than just aircraft emissions Airport Energy Consumption Aéroports de Montréal between 1995 and 2006: reduced CO2 emissions equivalent to 1,100 cars through energy efficient building improvements, switching to LED light bulbs and new airport shuttles
23 Conventional HVAC Approach
24 “Displacement” HVAC Approach
25 Conventional Lighting Approach
26 Sustainable Lighting Approach
28 Who is behind this initiative?
30 Vision “We believe that in the future, people will continue to be happy to fly, that aviation will not harm the environment and that the aviation industry will be able to grow profitably”
Doing our part… for the environment