THE DREAMING PROJECT FINAL CONFERENCE Trieste, 14th June 2012 Project overview Marco d’Angelantonio Managing Director of HIM SA (Brussels – Belgium)
2 DREAMING in a nutshell The DREAMING Consortium DREAMING is … Project objectives Technical and functional architecture Table of contents
3 DREAMING is one of the very first Pilot B projects funded under the European Union ICT-PSP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme – Policy Support Programme) Project start date: 1 st of May 2008 Project duration: 50 months Total budget: Euros EU contribution: Euros 6 real life trials in Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden DREAMING in a nutshell
4 The DREAMING Consortium Tesan-Televita SrlItaly A.S.S. n. 1 TriestinaItaly AGE - European Older People’s PlatformBelgium Region SyddanmarkDenmark Pflegewerk Management GmbHGermany East-Tallinn Central HospitalEstonia Servicio Aragonés de la SaludSpain Health Information Management SABelgium TeleMedicina Rizzoli S.p.A.Italy TB-SolutionsSpain Municipality of HebySweden County Council of UppsalaSweden Municipality of LangelandDenmark
5 DREAMING is not about technology although it makes use of a large amount of state-of-the-art technological tools DREAMING is about: demonstrating that technology, when it is properly selected and integrated: –allows to provide elderly people wishing to continue living independently a sufficient level of safety and reduce their loneliness; –can follow elderly people wherever they go, for a short walk or for their summer holidays; –is usable by elderly people who have never been previously exposed to technology and have some physical impairments; –is cheap and robust enough to be deployed on a large scale (hundreds of thousand or million of individuals); –provides a documented ROI by reducing costs in other areas of the health and social care provision. DREAMING is …
6 DREAMING is more ambitious than most of the other eHealth and eInclusion projects that have been carried out so far in a number of respects: it borrows the rigorousness of the method from multicentre randomised trials (candidate participants have been randomly allocated to an Intervention Group - those who receive the DREAMING goodies – or to a Control Group - the others). This will enable to depurate the results from factors other than the access of the DREAMING; anonymised results from the various trial sites have been centralised, in compliance with national rules on personal data protection and aggregated; the resulting business cases are therefore based on solid evidence; will hopefully open the door to the mass deployment of a technology- based solutions which can alleviate one of the biggest societal problems our countries are facing today. DREAMING is …
7 Improving the quality of life of elderly people by extending their independent life (if they so wish) even if they live alone while providing a level of safety equivalent or better than that enjoyed in elderly homes; Allow elderly people to be in touch with the Contact Centre, where this exists, with their carers and their loved ones even when they live far away through an intuitive videoconferencing system; Reducing the cost of social and health care to elderly people through better targeting of interventions, prevention and early detection of situation of risk and deterioration of health conditions; Compensating through the deployment of affordable, reliable and user-friendly technology the ever growing shortage of formal caregivers and homecare personnel in general. Project objectives
8 Key Components HIS Central Unit Mambo 2HIS PortalVideo Conference Vital MonitorsEnvironmental and Bi-directional Monitors
9 Measurements / Alert Trigger HIS Central Unit HIS Portal Sensors Measurement Contact Centre, Doctor, Nurse etc. Mambo 2 SMS/ Call
10 Scenarios Mambo 2 Fall Daily Announce Medication Reminder Emergency Button No manual reset! No confirmation! No manual reset! KeyFob No manual reset! ALARMALARM ALARMALARM Contact Centre Call Alert-Trigger by Mambo 2 RepeatRepeat RepeatRepeat
11 Can not detect the Butler No-Movement/Movement Alert Mmabo 2 Central Unit „No-Movement“ Detector rules/timeframe detects Monitoring Center Mambo 2 Central Unit Movement Detector rules/timeframe Monitoring Center Movement detected No movement detected Senior is at home but there is no movement in a predefined time frame Senior is not home but a movement is detected Call SMS/ ?
12 Contact Centre Videoconferencing System Family My Community Add contacts
Marco d'Angelantonio Managing Director Boulevard Lambermont 84 B Bruxelles Tel: GSM: Skype username: marcodangelantonio Fax: