32. Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies Conclusions from the 31st Conference of Directors of EU Paying Agencies Doc /12 (agrifin 127, fin 505) Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries The Danish AgriFish Agency
31st Conference of directors of EU Paying Agencies Denmark, Horsens 19 – 21 June 2012 Main focus: The practical implementation of the reform Administrative burdens Time frame Quality Definition of new elements
1. Greening Clear information to farmers is crucial Even with clear information it will be difficult for famers and PA´s to comply with the rules A regulatory framework is needed in order to determine whether the area´s meets the requirements
Ecological focus areas are not clearly defined Areas currently not receiving support will be included The initial designation of areas will be costly and time consuming
Permanent Grassland The designation of the areas at agriculture parcel level will strongly reinforce the provision The identification at farm level will also be a significant reinforcement of the provisions Retaining the current provisions would allow continuation of present administration without major changes
2. LPIS The Reform entails a number of new demands on LPIS A comprehensive review of the LPIS will be necessary This will be complex, very costly and time-consuming, and it will result in heavier administrative burdens for farmers and PA´s
3. Checks by Certified Bodies The proposed increase of checks on the spot by The Certifying Bodies will be costly The error rate calculated by the Certifying Bodies should be made on the basis of payments made The Commission should develop sampling models that involve as few reperformance checks as possible Many outstanding issues that need clarification remains
There is a need for simplification to cut costs by implementation The implementing measures when established must remain unchanged for the entire period Absolut need for a proper timeframe for the implementation. It’s agreed that at least a period of 12 months is needed for the implementation from the time when EU implementing measures and national implementing decisions are in place. Advice and help from DG Agri and JRC is urgently needed.