Studying and Researching in International Sustainability Programs Jordi Segalàs Associate professor
The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public higher education and research institution that is specialized in the fields of architecture, science and engineering… … and sustainability science The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya UPC - Barcelona Tech
3 Localization: Barcelona – Spain Schools: 23 Departments: 40 Campus: 7 Students: Faculty & researchers: 2650 Research Institutes: 7 The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya UPC - Barcelona Tech
4 Spanish Higher Education structure Bachelor Bachelor Final Project
Sustainability Science What to sustain? For whom? For how long? At what cost? Sustainability Science Education S. Science Education What to learn? For whom? For how long? At what cost? Key questions for
How many of you have been to the area for more than 1 week? Then, you do not have a single clue of neither the problem or the solution. Experiential learning Sustainability Science Education Mr. Fisherman
XIV Century University A lecture at a medieval university (1350s) showing the lecturer reading a text from the lectern to students. Learning XXI Century university Spot the differences 7
Experiential learning: not only cognitive but also affective, spiritual, manual and physical experience Sustainability Science Education
Knowledge Transformation Sustainability Science Education TION EDU-A C
Sustainability Science Education Master in Sustainability Master in Sustainability Science and Technology
Master External partnerships The Master has partnerships agreements and collaborations with various other organisations: International partnerships Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) Royal Institute of Technology, KTH (Sweden) Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) Alliance for Global Sustainability United Nations University / RCE Network UNESCO Dublin Institute of Technology Perdue University Regional and national partnerships RCE Barcelona, Regional Centre for Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development (UPC / ESADE / GenCat / DiBa / Ajuntament BCN / ECODES / ESF) Spanish Observatory for Sustainability (OSE)
Master program mission Based on it´s tradition of excellence in technology, which drives UPC, and the concern and experience of many different groups involved in technology, development and sustainability the Masters programme aims to train entrepreneurs and agents of change towards sustainability to be: capable of designing and implementing sustainable solutions for the long term in an uncertain and complex environment able to work in different cultural and professional contexts in an interdisciplinary approach with technical and scientific rigour, putting human sustainable development at the heart of their aspirations and actions.
Master student target The Master is targeted at graduates with the following profile: Technological graduates (engineering, technical engineering, technical architecture, IT...) Graduates from other disciplines (environmental sciences, biology, sociology, political science, economics) with relevant training, aptitudes and personal objectives... who want to develop a professional attitude coherent with sustainability Candidates for the PhD programme in Sustainability
Master study program Length of programme: 120 ECTS (2 years) October year X – July X+2 Type of programme: Professional/Research 5 specialisms and the possibility of a double degree Semester 1 Core programme (30 ECTS) Introduction to the sustainability paradigm Semester 2 Specialism (20 ECTS) Optional courses (10 ECTS) Semester 3 Specialism (15 ECTS) Optional courses (15 ECTS) Semester 4 (30 ECTS) Professional: Final project Business placements Research: Thesis
Master specialisms 1. Sustainable construction 2. Infrastructure and sustainable land-use planning 3. International cooperation for development 4. Sustainability assessment and policy 5. Industrial ecology and technological innovation 6. Master in Sustainability, Technology and Innovation (Atlantis program)
Master of Sustainability International Seminar in Sustainable Technology Development
International Seminar STD Working load 5 ECTS 150 h of students work load
STD – Learning outcomes To increase the understanding of a SD in the long term and the role of technology therein embedded in systems To increase the capability to apply foresighting, forecasting and backcasting To contribute to the development of scientific work competences of students To become an experts meeting point and create networking activities among different groups and institutions
STD overview Backcasting applied to different topics
STD - Topics 1.Water sanitation and treatment 2.Decoupling in food & beverage packaging 3.Overfishing and marine ecosystems degradation 4.Sustainable mobility Around 2 case studies Developed/Developing region Global/Local problem
STD time frame
Dates: June Team-building among students –Students arrive on Friday 11th –Social activities during the weekend TASK Presenting posters (local groups) Sharing the groups analysis (international groups) Stakeholders interaction Backcasting & Scenario building Solutions development & discussions TASK Presenting posters (local groups) Sharing the groups analysis (international groups) Stakeholders interaction Backcasting & Scenario building Solutions development & discussions
STD 2012 (3-15 june) Topic - Agroecology Welcome!!!
Thank you for your attention