Review Quiz on Sections 1-3 Industrial Revolution
What is a patent? A. A document that gave new immigrants jobs, freedoms, and money. A document that gave new immigrants jobs, freedoms, and money B. A timeframe when inventors have free access to any designs. A timeframe when inventors have free access to any designs. C. An act that gave settlers in the West free land. An act that gave settlers in the West free land. D. A legal document giving inventors protection and rights. A legal document giving inventors protection and rights.
What industry did Andrew Carnegie run? A. Oil Oil B. Railroads Railroads C. Banking Banking D. Steel Steel
What industry did JP Morgan run? A. Oil Oil B. Railroads Railroads C. Banking Banking D. Steel Steel
What industry did John D. Rockefeller run? A. Oil Oil B. Railroads Railroads C. Banking Banking D. Steel Steel
What industry did Cornelius Vanderbilt run? A. Oil Oil B. Railroads Railroads C. Banking Banking D. Steel Steel
What did standard gauge do? A. Regulated time zones to prevent confusion Regulated time zones to prevent confusion B. Standardized track width for easier transportation Standardized track width for easier transportation C. Created a standard money system for the US Created a standard money system for the US D. Organized farmers into unions for better representation Organized farmers into unions for better representation
Which industry did NOT increase due to the expansion of the RRs? A. Timber Timber B. Steel Steel C. Cotton Cotton D. Coal Coal
Which statement best describes the impact of RRs during the Industry Age? A. Railroads hindered travel and the transportation of goods. Railroads hindered travel and the transportation of goods. B. Railroads provided jobs and allowed businesses to grow through transportation of their goods. Railroads provided jobs and allowed businesses to grow through transportation of their goods. C. Railroads brought travelers East and allowed for advancement of inventions. Railroads brought travelers East and allowed for advancement of inventions.
The Sherman Anti-trust Act … A. Allows monopolies and trusts today. Allows monopolies and trusts today. B. Does not allow monopolies and trusts today. Does not allow monopolies and trusts today. C. Governmental law stating the right for workers to unite. Governmental law stating the right for workers to unite. D. Law that allows child labor in factories. Law that allows child labor in factories.
Horizontal or Vertical Integration??? If a businessman owns little bits of every part that leads into this industry, is that horizontal or vertical integration? A. Horizontal Horizontal B. Vertical Vertical
Horizontal or Vertical Integration??? If a businessman owns all competing companies in his industry, is that horizontal or vertical integration? A. Horizontal Horizontal B. Vertical Vertical
Assembly Line … A. Manufacturing of goods in large quantities. Manufacturing of goods in large quantities. B. Government document giving exclusive rights to an invention. Government document giving exclusive rights to an invention. C. When children worked in factories. When children worked in factories. D. When an item moves along a belt and worker completes their job. Item then moves further down for completion. When an item moves along a belt and worker completes their job. Item then moves further down for completion.
The Bessemer Process was… A. The way to make large quantities of goods. The way to make large quantities of goods. B. When a company wipes out its competition and controls an industry. When a company wipes out its competition and controls an industry. C. When children worked for companies. When children worked for companies. D. A new way to make steel cheaper and faster. A new way to make steel cheaper and faster.
A philanthropist is… A. Someone who volunteers time and talents to promote social change. Someone who volunteers time and talents to promote social change B. Someone who fights for union workers to promote fair labor standards. Someone who fights for union workers to promote fair labor standards C. Someone who donates large sums of money to better a community. Someone who donates large sums of money to better a community. D. Someone who fights for child labor laws to promote a safe work environment. Someone who fights for child labor laws to promote a safe work environment.
That’s Correct!!!!!
That’s Correct!!!
Sorry…You choose wrong Hint….has to do with inventions
Sorry, but try a hint.
Sorry, but try a hint Railroads helped businesses grow
Sorry, but try a hint Bill Gates is an example of this.
Sorry, but try a hint Think of how a car is made.
Sorry, but try a hint
That is Correct!!! Andrew Carnegie’s steel industry would be an example of this.
Try again! This was the strategy that Andrew Carnegie used to make millions with steel.
That is Correct!!! Both Rockefeller and Vanderbilt used this to make millions!!!! Both Rockefeller and Vanderbilt used this to make millions!!!!
Try again! This was the strategy that Rockefeller and Vanderbilt used to make millions with oil and railroads. Classroom example – of Poglayen Cellular!!
That’s Correct!!!
Try again! This is a process to make something.
That’s Correct!!!
Sorry, but try a hint
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