Organizational & Operational Management Presented by Mr. Rod Ettridge Fiscal Affairs Expert IMF 28 August 2014
High Level Cross Agency Matters Terms of Reference Memoranda of Understanding Specific outcomes and objectives Governance Framework and Arrangements Key Performance Indicators and Measures Funding & Staffing Arrangements
Operational & Management Issues Chain of Command Case Management System(s) Procedures / Manuals Secrecy Provisions Training “Tour of Duty”
Operational & Management Issues Performance Appraisal Career Progress Workplace Health & Safety Travel expectations and arrangements Leave provisions and approval
High level Cross Agency Agreements Terms of Reference and / or Memorandum of Understanding Makes it very clear what each Agency is contributing Clearly specifies overall outcomes and objectives The “unwritten items” usually cause the most trouble If a specific government initiative, have clearly written expectation statements This would include the nature and regularity of performance reporting
Funding & Staffing Arrangements Does this work have specific government funding? How is the funding allocated? Over what period? Pay for service approach? How is the staffing decided?
Governance Arrangements The role of the Steering Committee Nature of high level meetings Performance measures and reporting Reporting to Government / Parliament Joint Taskforce considerations.
Operational Arrangements & Issues; Chain of Command Which is the “lead” agency? Who is the person in charge? What specifically is their role? Decision making Delegation and approvals
Case Management Systems Does the lead agency provide the case management system? Information requirements Authorisations Organizational structures Approvals
Procedures / Manuals Do the procedures already exist, need to be modified? Who will ensure they are up to date? Are staff expected to follow 100%? What form? Written, hard copy, Intranet… Quality Assurance
Secrecy Provisions What is allowable under the relevant Acts? Do staff need to sign particular secrecy documents? Classification of customers / taxpayers into sensitivity groups Breaches of secrecy
Training What training is needed for this work? How will the needs of the staff be determined? Who will provide the training? Will there be formal testing / exams?
“Tour of Duty” Is there an expected timeframe on this work? Do you have regulatory staff rotation policies? How long would you expect for new staff to become operationally competent and efficient?
Performance Management & Appraisal Do the agencies already have formal appraisal systems in place? Are they comparable? How will you deal with under performers? How will you reward excellent performance?
Career Progress Having staff recognised in one or both agencies Are staff able to permanently move from one agency to the other? Is working on cross agency initiatives given any difference in career progression?
Workplace Health & Safety Customs officers may work in a more physically dangerous environment than traditional Taxation staff What are the hazards? Are firearms an issue? Defensive driving courses Shiftwork considerations
Travel expectations & arrangements Will staff need to travel? Is this mandatory or voluntary? What is the level of transport? What is the level of accommodation? How is it paid for?
Leave Are the leave entitlements the same for both agencies? What are the leave arrangements and requirements? Is it expected that staff can take leave when they want it? Who is the approving officer?