Ms. Marium Jilani The City School English Grade 4 Action plan Ms. Marium Jilani The City School English Grade 4
LONG TERM GOALS Adopt 21st century’s teaching approaches to enhance students understanding of the language English To develop student’s and self’s IT Skills To inculcate the habit of collaborative skills To foster the process of critical thinking To groom the student in the most appropriate way to face the real world challenges
OBJECTIVES By the end of the term students will be able to: Use various concepts of grammar Compose different sorts of writing Understand the many types of texts and answer questions based on it Learn and use new vocabulary words Effectively plan work and execute it on time using various resources e.g. internet.
Bloom’s taxonomy provides a guideline for creating assignments, discussions, questions, and assessments that address the kinds of skills that students must develop to be critical thinkers and learners. The first and second steps of the taxonomy are often where teachers spend most of their time, but the last four steps are where critical thinking is developed Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom in classroom Bloom’s Taxonomy Modes Learning, quizzes Knowing Comprehending Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Learning, quizzes Reading, answering questions, RTC’s, debates, skimming. Practical, formatting sentences, solving w/s Survey, outline, investigation ,summarizing. Debates, report, convincing, conclusion. Projects, newspaper, poem,song
Genres of English Comprehension Grammar Language Vocabulary Composition
SYLLABUS BREAK-UP UNIT READING UNDERSTANDING/COMP VOCABULARY LANG. BUILDING GRAMMAR SPELLING WRITNG 10 Open day Dictionary words Irregular plural First conditional-if Prefix –re Continuing the play script 11 Celebrating success-Amy Compound words Adverb of time Question tags Soft c Writing a biography 12 The Flying House Thesaurus work-synonyms Direct speech too+adj; adj + enough Silent letters within words Descriptive writing 13 Hurricane Harry Thematic weather words Reported speech Present perfect -or suffix Writing newspaper report 14 It’s a Knock-out! Homonyms Adverb of place Present perfect with yet/just Two syllable words Planning and writing story sequel 15 The Olympic Games Alphabetical order Subject and object Exclamation with WHAT(a/an) o sounds like u Information in chart form 16 The Martian and the Supermarket Over used words alternatives Possessive adjective Making offers and suggestions Three syllable words Dialogue writing 17 The Visit Antonyms and synonyms Apostrophes(possessive plurals) Gerunds al as prefix and suffix Writing recount from experience 18 What is a Friend? Rhyming words Possessive pronouns Relative clauses with WHO el words Acrostics poems
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES UNIT NO. SKILLS APPROACHES TECHNIQUES RESOURCES 10 Communication skills Collaborative skills Questioning Listening and speaking Encouraging intervening Read aloud Evaluation Group tasks Text book Worksheets Posters Spreadsheet Dictionary 11 Creativity and intellectual curiosity Self direction Critical thinking and system thinking Monitoring Intervening Internet research Survey Story telling Worksheet Flashcards 12 Information and media literacy skills Self-direction skill Problem identification and solution skills Observing Model reading Autobiography Role play Movie showcasing Word game Movie Thesaurus Sample autobiography
UNIT NO. SKILLS APPROACHES TECHNIQUES RESOURCES 13 Information skills Self-direction skills Interpersonal skills Creativity and communication skills Monitoring Questioning Listening and speaking Giving directions Newspaper reading Identifications of use of prs.perf.tense Listing out weather words Writing newspaper article in a group Group setting with prior job description Making posters Quick search for -or words Newspaper Text book Internet’s sites Pictures of calamities Poster showing causes and effects Random books 14 Communication skills Creativity/Intellectual curiosity Social responsibility skills Intervening Encouraging Extempore Short article writing about a favorite match Multiple choices Cricket bat, basketball Authentic website for search Worksheet Game
UNIT NO. SKILLS APPROACHES TECHNIQUES RESOURCES 15 Accountability and adaptability System thinking Communication Self-direction Interpersonal creativity Listening and speaking Questioning Encouraging Monitoring Finding about any civilization which has contributed to today‘s sports Reading in pairs Questioning session Internet search Volunteering for board activity Magazines Library books Text books Last records of Olympic games on a chart on excel Poster World map 16 Adaptability Problem identification, formulation and solution Intervening questioning Read aloud Story telling Model reading Choosing the best answer Movie showcasing Quiz Teaming Text book Worksheet on words Flashcards Word game Movie Thesaurus
UNIT NO. SKILLS APPROACHES TECHNIQUES RESOURCES 17 Accountability Communication Interpersonal Critical thinking Information and media literacy Self-direction Listening and speaking Observing and monitoring Creating Encouraging questioning Poster making on any endangered animal Assembly presentation of the same Making of an album to share an event and write a recount Text book Internet Library books Sample poster World map Handout for prefixes and suffixes 18 Creativity Information and media lit. Social responsibility accountability Questioning Shared reading Questioning and answering among peers Making value chart Writing a rhyming poem about a friend solving questions and worksheets Young world magazine Picture of a friend Occupation chart
Changing challenges into opportunities “Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.” African Proverb Solution Availability of resources on time; Provision of lab to students for introduction or reinforcement of complicated topics Students may come unprepared to the class Unscheduled power outages or voltage problem Shortage of time for implementing new concept or techniques Pre-arrangements of resources by informing the head on time through effective planning. Involving lab in charge for making room in their timetable and further assistance. Mark them using spreadsheet for their efforts A back up plan or a stand by generator Use of watch for execution of work and to plan keeping in view the time frame available
Changing challenges into opportunities Solutions Students may feel shy to raise question A child might be hesitant to give answer due the fear of being incorrect Students may not read enough Classroom discipline may not be favorable during group tasks Group conflicts Hesitance in speaking in English Use appropriate ways to encourage e.g. prompting to help create a question. Respect every answer of the child and reconnect it to the topic . Motivational certificate would help. Motivate using positive marking for the most well behaved group. Role modeling, counseling, and motivation. Encouraging with certificates
Acknowledgement I would appreciate the utmost support of: The Intel DT’s The head mistress ICT teacher Administration and collegues Parents Library in charge
Conclusion The term is full of diverse topics dealing with genres of English, making it easier for a child to explore as much as possible with better planning and execution; gradually shifting from 20th century’s learning style to the new way of learning and creating.
I think, therefore I am - Descartes