Forgotten God, Francis Chan Broward Midweeks: Lesson 2 “I’ve got Jesus. Why do I need the Spirit?”
Forgotten God Last week: Matthew 11:28-29 & John 14:12. These are great promises of God to each one of us. When we say “Jesus is Lord”, what are we committing ourselves to for life?
Forgotten God Having the Holy Spirit is better than having Jesus himself. This sounds strange! John 16:7- It was better for the disciples (and us) for Jesus to go to heaven. Why? John 14:15-18: So he could send ‘another’ counselor (comforter) that would be with us and live IN us.
Forgotten God In the Old Testament, only the anointed would receive God’s Spirit. John 7:37-39: Every follower of Jesus gets the Spirit. Jesus had to die and be glorified for that to happen. If Jesus would not have died and been resurrected, we would not have the Spirit.
Forgotten God What does having the Spirit look like? Galatians 5:16-25 –Truth is that we are all at war every day! Gal. 5:16-17 –We cannot win that war on our own. –We do not even do what we want to do!
Forgotten God Galatians 5:19-21 Not simply a study of sin. Using the “sin list”… –Paul shows Galatian Christians the evidence they were living by their OWN power and OWN understanding (not the Spirit). This passage is so much more than a list of sins to be convicted of at one moment in our lives.
Forgotten God Galatians 5: The Promise for each one of us. We get all of the fruit!! (Not fruits) All can have love, joy, peace…self-control. The Spirit will produce! Do not frustrate the Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30 & 1 Thessalonians 5:19)
Forgotten God Key Question: Which “dog” are you feeding? Whatever we feed gets bigger and stronger. The flesh or the Spirit? (5:19-21 or 5:22-25?) We will never be perfect. Always have to learn, repent, change, etc. Promise is 2 Corinthians 3: By the Spirit’s power, we can change to be like Jesus every day!!
Discussion Questions ① How much have you talked about and studied the Spirit this past week? Why? (excited, encouraged, new hope, afraid, distracted, feel too busy…etc.) ② You have Jesus. On a personal level, why do you desperately need the Spirit??? ③ Write down the Fruit list of Galatians 5: Which qualities are in your life only because you have the Spirit? Based on this fruit list, in what areas are you frustrating the Spirit (remember: “Shut up, Spirit!”)? ④ Who will you share with this week about how the Fruit of the Spirit is growing in your life? Who are you going to get help from to do this???