Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 1 Undulator System Installation & Assembly Schedule Jose.


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Presentation transcript:

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 1 Undulator System Installation & Assembly Schedule Jose Chan

FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 2 Organization Integration Manager: Richard M. Boyce Integration Engineering: Carl Rago & Don Schafer Quality Control: Eric Lundhal Magnetic Measurement: Zack Wolf Stretch Wire: Franz Peter Hydrostatic Level System: Georg Gassner Assembly manager: Ben Poling Installation/area manager : Mike Zurawel

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 3 LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line July 13, 2007 rmb DRAFT SSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJAASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ linac/BC2 Install Linac/BC2 Commissioning LTU/Und/Dump FEE/NEH Install CF Early Occupancy LTU/Und/FEE Commissioning First Spont. Light AASS Start Pilot Operations OONNDD PPS Controls checkout Re-commission Inj/BC2 to SL2 X-Ray tunnel/FEH Install X-Rays in FEH CD-47/15/2010 PPS Photon Flux Measurements FEL Commissioning e- beam & Photon Systems Checkout Operations NEH Operations X-Ray Systems Checkout - Commission Checkout - Commission JJFFMMAAMM DOE approval to operate beam to NEH

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 4 Undulator Hall Tunnel Construction View downbeamView upbeam

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 5 Undulator Hall Cross Section Courtesy: R.M.Boyce

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 6 Undulator Magnets Status SLAC has 39 Undulators (some stored in building 750, and others in MMF) 15 undulators were completed magnetic tuning and magnetic fiducialization 2 in fine tuning and 1 in rough tuning One in fine tuning and two are in rough tuning 2 units are difficult to tune, plans to tune at the end of process Plans to complete 33 Undulators by March 2008

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 7 Undulator Assembly Status Received 8 sets of pedestal and girders Mounted 2 pedestal and one girder Setting up assembly area in building 750 Core drill holes for pedestals Purchase requisition out for floor epoxy Granite table installed Staffing Currently 4 techs reporting to Ben Poling (assembly manager) Two vacuum techs from MFD Schedule Start 1 st undulator Assembly on January 25 th, complete one every two weeks. Complete 33 rd Undulator on July 2008

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 8 Undulator Assembly Status (cont.)

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 9

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 10 Installation Schedule Revised P3 schedule (as shown above) during re- baseline in June ’07

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 11 Cable Installation

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 12 Summary SLAC Safety committees Earthquake (engineering is performing seismic calculations for earthquake committee presentation, expecting to complete by the end of November) Electrical (being reviewed) Hoisting and rigging (existing plan available) Radiation (investigating low level radio active air in the Undulator hall) Fire (fire marshal is checking if there is sufficient room for fire rescue) Complete installation drawings (on going drawing conversions from Pro-E to solid edge models) Davis Bacon contracts Statement of work (will submit to Building Inspection Office, BIO, this week) Submit purchase requisition Prepare assembly area in building 750 (complete by early December)

Jose Chan FAC- Undulator System Installation & Assembly 10/30/07 13 Summary Design and fabricate shock mounted support for transportation (designs are being reviewed by mechanical engineer) Design installation lifting cart for undulators (being reviewed) Design and fabricate wire cards (not started yet) SLAC techs to gain some experience on vacuum seals (ANL sent samples of C-fix flanges, will be sending short break assy in two weeks for SLAC techs to practice) Concerns of hardware not arriving in time for assembly and installation Storage and transporting in a temperature controlled environment not yet resolved Tune up dump shielding not yet resolved Thermal loading in the undulator hall is being reviewed