MSF Experience on Use of HIV Viral Load testing in Myanmar
MSF HIV/ART program started since 2003 17 TB/HIV clinics Yangon Region Taninthayi Region Kachin State Shan State Rakhine State >30,000 patients are on HAART Waing Maw Moe Gaung
3 HIV Prevention – focusing on SW, MSM, DU HIV Care and Support including – HTC, PMTCT, OI management, HAART Laboratory services Network of CD4 facility, 1 Cavidi Viral Load system, GeneXpert, Biochemistry, etc.
4 MSF installed one Cavidi VL system in Yangon – Mid 2009
Manual Extraction of RT enzyme and amplification Takes 2 days for one lab tech Leave overnight for final reading 5
Final Reading on the next morning Takes 5 Minutes only Results obtained through a computer software 29 samples per each run 6
7 Very feasible for resource limited settings.. Does not require sterile environment/molecular laboratory Allows for decentralised testing Subtype independent technology Affordable cost However, Technician dependent Capacity per lab tech: Collection and Transportation of specimen
Max. Capacity using 2 full time lab tech: - 3 runs (87) per week – 156 runs (4524) per year Current patients on MSF Treatment >29,000 patients on first line Nearly 1000 patients on second line 3 patients on third line 8
Estimated patients need of ART – 125,000 Currently on ART - >50,000 2 Viral Load facilities – MSF Cavidi system and MoH PCR system MSF Criteria for VL testing 1 st priority – Clinically and immunologically suspected treatment failure Yearly monitoring for patients on 2 nd line (a rising VL could be targeted with intense adherence counseling) 9
10 2.5Hr Boat 6Hr Car 2.5 Hr Air
A simple analysis of VL vs CD4 of 3801 patients with suspected immunological failure receiving 1 st line ART >1yr shows 20% (755) - confirmed failure and of those failure, 8% (58) has CD4 >350 66% (2505) has undetectable VL and of those 66%, 33%(828) has CD4 <200 11
VL should be the first routine adherence monitoring tool Support promoting retention on 1 st line ART Critical role in preventing unnecessary switch to 2nd line regimen 12