Dr. Kam-tong CHAN Centre for Third Sector Studies Department of Applied Social Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Eco-system of Social Enterprise in Hong Kong
Development of SE in Hong Kong The Delphi Study Findings: Enabling context for development of SE in Hong Kong ◦ Contextual Level ◦ Institutional Level ◦ Operational Level Some barriers Policy suggestions
1980s-90s : Exploratory period ◦ “Simulated business” by some NGOs – provide employment opportunities (1980s) ◦ Set up social enterprise to solve social problems (e.g. Senior Citizen Home Safety Association) 2000s : Government policy-oriented ◦ Economic downturn and emergence of poverty and unemployment problem ◦ Adopted “welfare-to-work approach” by government ◦ Funding schemes provided
Mid-2000s to now : Diversified development Lack of financial sustainability by social enterprise operated by some NGOs Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship ◦ Diversification of social enterprise objective ◦ Business model and social innovation Emergence of platform organizations (some examples) ◦ HKCSS-HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre (2006 / 2008) ◦ Social Ventures Hong Kong (2007) ◦ Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum (2008) ◦ Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises (2009) ◦ The Good Lab (2012)
Diversification in service users ƒ%ƒ%ƒ% ( 1 ) Rehabilitants ( 2 ) Community residents ( 3 ) Women ( 4 ) Unemployed ( 5 ) Elderly ( 6 ) mid / low income earners ( 7 ) Children and youth n
Diversifiction in nature of services % Mean Unit % % ( 1 ) Food and Catering ( 2 ) Production and sales ( 3 ) General cleansing services ( 4 ) Personal care services ( 5 ) Domestic services ( 6 ) Eco-Tourism guide services n.a ( 7 ) Resources Recycling n.a n
Source: Heckl, E. & Pecher, I. (2007), Study on Practices and Policies in the Social Enterprise Sector in Europe. Final Report. Vienna: KMU Forschung, Austria Report on the enabling environment in Europe for our reference 5 major types of supportive measurements for creating the enabling environment for social enterprise development: ◦ Legal Regulation ◦ Financial Support ◦ Business Support ◦ Measures fostering co-operation ◦ EQUAL Community Initiative (financed by European Social Fund and EU Member States)
PPR research from ◦ Identify the essential factors, including the drivers, enablers and barriers, for creating an enabling environment for the development of social enterprises ◦ Conduct through Delphi Technique and Stakeholder Interview Delphi approach ◦ Grounded approach on identifying the enabling environment through the expert-led panel ◦ Involve experts of academics and practitioners from both Hong Kong and overseas ◦ Important tool for identifying enabling environment for social enterprise development in Hong Kong context
Result from the experts in Delphi Approach: 3-level-framework of enabling context/ environment e.g. environment mindset Contextual Level e.g. political mindset Institutional Level e.g. operational mindset Operation Level
Enabling environment ◦ Contextual Level (Perceived environment and values) Aspiration to do good and do well Clear social objectives Commitment to problem-solving Holistic and change-driven mindset ◦ Contextual Level (Public understanding) Positive representation of social enterprise in media to attract cross-sector and public support ◦ For the discussion on social objective, it can be contributed to multiple social problem and should focus on specific least disadvantaged groups
Enabling environment ◦ Institutional Level (Cross-sectoral collaboration) Trust, mutual respect and support among stakeholders in government, private, civil society and academic sectors Provide supportive and holistic eco-environment for social enterprises Provide supportive and integrated policies and resources by governmental organization Provide skills development and capacity building ◦ Trust among such collaboration is by earning but not by default
Enabling environment ◦ Operational Level Leader to provide vision Committed personnel is in place Commitment to build infrastructure and products Specific skills for business management and knowledge transfer ◦ Most of them are agreed by both Delphi expert and Interviewees
Lack of successful cases Unable to find good personnel to operate social enterprise High rental and operating costs Inability of social enterprise to innovate
Contextual Level ◦ Public education on social enterprises ◦ Promotion of ethical consumption ◦ Promote the ethos of social innovation Institutional Level ◦ Promote trust among different sectors Operational level ◦ Strengthen capacity building ◦ Demonstrate SE’s social impact to the society
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