Shingcheong Chan Xiaoguang Ma
Fusel Fuel needs time to recover Price of gasoline grow rapidly Pollution issue
Electric Pros i.Environmental friendly ii.Cheap a. easier to get from the surroundings Cons i.Slow in speed(low efficiency) ii.Expensive to build(lack of lithium) Gasser Pros i.Efficiency a. high power output b. high speed Cons i.Pollution ii.Require long period of time to recover the used Fusel Fuel
Battery Type Energy/weight watt- hours/Kg Energy/ volume watt- hours/L Power/ weight watt/Kg Energy/ US$ watt- hour/$ Lead-acid30 – 4060 – – 10 Nickel-Zinc60 – – 3 Lithium-Ion – 5 Lithium- Polymer to – 5
Provide highest power and energy among the 4 different type of battery Low cost Unable to charge at high temperature (90ºC) Engine temperature (90~135ºC)
ELECTRICGASOLINE Gasser Costs Gasoline Cost per Gallon 2.3 Miles per Gallon of Gasser24 Cost of Oil Change25 Frequency of Oil Change (miles)3000 Inspection Cost (per Year)38 Yearly Misc. Costs (radiator fluid)100 Electric Costs Cost per KW/H of Electricity0.08 Watt HR/Mile of Electric300 Charger Efficiency0.85 Battery Efficiency0.85 Inspection Cost (per Year)8 Yearly Misc. Costs (distilled water) 50 Battery Pack Replacement Cost600 Battery Pack Lifetime (Years)4
10000 MILES DRIVEN PER YEAR Gasser Gas Used Per Year (Gallons) Gas Cost Per Year$ Oil Cost Per Year$83.33 All Other Costs Per Year$ Total Costs Per Year $ Operating Costs per Mile$0.118 Electric KW/H Used per Year Cost per Year for Electricity $ Total Other Cost Per Year$58.00 Battery Replacement Amortized per Year $ Total Cost per Year $ Operating Costs per Mile$0.054 Winner!! 54.21% Cheaper.
Increase energy consumption Increase the load for the power station Increase the number of power station within area Pollution from the power station
Reference ectric_car