Vision Statement ( 我們的異象 ) MMCBC is a God’s family with the purpose of glorifying God by: Helping one another to build a close relationship with God through.


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Presentation transcript:

Vision Statement ( 我們的異象 ) MMCBC is a God’s family with the purpose of glorifying God by: Helping one another to build a close relationship with God through learning, trusting, and living out the Bible Serving people with acts of kindness and sharing the gospel through a loving, fun and joyful Christian lifestyle 美城華人浸信會是神的大家庭,以實行下列的標竿來榮耀神: 我們互相勉勵,推行-研讀聖經、信靠無誤的聖經、遵行聖經 的命令,使我們更親近神。 我們以實際愛心的行動服務人群,分享福音的信息,叫人看見 我們基督徒充滿愛心、活力和喜樂的生活。 Mission Statement ( 教會的宗旨 ) We live to get closer to God through Jesus Christ and the Bible and serve people with God’s love 藉著主耶穌基督並神的話語 ── 聖經,和以神的大愛服務人群;我 們活著為要與神有更親密的相交。

Governing Model Council Current Organization New Organization Participants Seekers Members under FBCMM Non-member Christians Future charter members Participants Seekers++ New members++ Charter members Vision & Mission Statement Constitute Committee Relocation Committee Finance Legal status Independent Org. Name, article of incorporation, etc. Tax Exempt Constitution & Bylaws Financial Records New location after July 2010 Select & rent/buy new location Facilitate during settle-in period Continuous outreach Co-workers Strengthen spiritual foundation Classes (Pastor Chan and visitors) Cell groups Cell group leaders Trustees Legal representatives in all transactions related to church Transition

Information & Decision Flow during Transition Period TypeMethod Information (e.g. legal form has been submitted) Every 2 weeks after worship, an info session will be held for charter members including: 1.Progress reports from the two committees 2.Q & A Charter members’ participation is encouraged but not required Decision (e.g. confirmation of new location) From constitute committee or relocation committee to charter members any day (Sat – Fri)Committee chairperson to notify Pastor Chan about the motion Pastor Chan to call a council meeting on the following Saturday SaturdayCouncil to decide if the motion is ready for decision at charter members’ floor If the motion is ready, the details of that motion (including the point of contact, either committee chair or committee’s distribution list) will be in the next day’s worship bulletin as a notification to charter members for a voting business meeting on the following Sunday SundayThe proposing committee to hold an info session on this motion right after the worship for charter members Mon – SatCharter members to think and pray about the motion. If questions, charter members can contact the motion’s point of contact. SundayCharter members to vote on this motion (2/3 of attending charter members