EDC404: ICT in Education Assigment Report Group Members: 1.Ms PHAT Sokhaley 2.Ms GNE Pidor 3.Ms SAO Chan Ellen
Assignment Structure Topic: Instructional Curriculum Design for ICT Integration as “example on English Literature and ICT” Deadline: a week before final Pages: minimum 20 pages Format: font-TimesNew Roman size-12
Contents: I.Introduction II. Curriculum Design for ICT Integration – Curriculum Decision making – Curriculum content organization scope continuity sequence integration
II. Curriculum Implementation for ICT Integration – Challenges and Solutions IV. Curriculum Evaluation for ICT Integration – Curriculum Design Process Evaluation – Curriculum Implementation Evaluation V. ICT integrated Curriculum Output – Course Syllabus Introduction Course objectives and expectations Course Outline
– Lesson Plan Teaching Objectives Teaching Process – Teaching Materials – Teaching Methodology VI. Conclusion
Responsibilities Ms. PHAT Sokhaley work as a group leader will responsible for assignment plan design, facilitate the group meeting as what we are planned, complete the other part beside the members and combine as an achievement. Ms. GNE Pidor work as a group member will responsible for researching part IV and V, and will submit to Ms PHAT Sokhaley on May 21, 2012 Ms. SOA Chan Ellen work as a group member will responsible for researching part I, II and III and will submit to Ms PHAT Sokhaley on May 21, 2012.
Meeting Date Our group also plan for group meeting as following dates: March 18, 2012 : discussion on topic, contents and responsibility April 1, 2012: discussion on research problem and revise the content April 17, 2012: submit progress report April 22, 2012:discussion on research problem and revise the content May 5, 2012: Combine all the part of assignment May 13, 2012: Group revision
Recently Result As Result our group has adapted content for 2 times and we now just finish the part I, II and III which is held by Ms Sao Chan Ellen. We all are not fixed with the plan time since there is some in searching.