GHS capacity Building Activities: New tools and targets Niko KATO Chemical Management Policy Division METI, Japan
1. Japan’s GHS capacity-building programs: overview 2. Analysis for next step 3. New tools and targets 4. Other resources 5. Next step
Japan’s capacity building programs on chemicals : for a decade AMEICC Chemical WG is settled in 1998 Workshops on chemical safety for ASEAN countries since 1999 (AOTS) Chemical experts of JETRO on GHS and Responsible Care hold workshops since 2002 GHS basic training program for CLM in 2005 GHS experts advanced training program in 2006 GHS instructors training program, so to called ‘Train-the-trainer’ course Beginner to Inter- Mediate to Expert More Higher and Practical Level is Required
AMEICC:AEM-METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee Japan-ASEAN Ministry’s Meeting AMEICC Chemical Working Group Japan-ASEAN Senior Officer Meeting
Feedbacks from participants “This training is very useful for my country” “We get many knowledge for Label, Classifications” “Very short time” “Some information about GHS classification is difficult to understand” JETRO expert’s efforts to promote GHS in ASEAN country was concluded with great success Participants reaches for a certain level, but GHS implementation is not easy only by GHS purple book
GHS 1,500 chemical classification’s case: analysis for next step GHS classification has released on NITE ( ※ ) web-site on each month asking for comments ※ (National Institute of Technology and Evaluation) Comments received from various point of view Many feedbacks Form industries Gaps on interpretation Of GHS texts Among the experts Absence of not peer-reviewed data Misunderstanding for Basis on classification Resolution is needed urgently
New tools needed for GHS implementation Understanding for GHS Understanding for GHS classification Data for chemicals Expert judge ? To reach to higher level, each country will need new GHS tools Example: Classification manuals Chemicals Data sets Teaching Materials for SMEs SDS standards ・・・
New tools needed for GHS implementation (2) Distribution of Chemical information Formulation of MSDS system throughout the country Awareness rising Share GHS classification data ・・・
Awareness rising animated character ‘CHEMI-chan’ explains what is the GHS, and each individuals are enabled to study the GHS at their own pace Contents 1.Introduction of the GHS What is the GHS? Classification Criteria Hazard Communication Factors to Consider in the GHS implementation 2. Q&A 3. Classification Examples 4. Pictograms for downloading Hello! My mane is CHEMI Let’s explore the world of GHS together GHS self studying software will be released on July 2007
GHS classification software for mixture 2005 survey for necessary GHS implementation tools classification of mixture will be burden for SMEs 2006 Dec – 2007 March First feasibility study for GHS auto- classification software creating auto-classification software is feasible for certain physical hazard, most of health hazard and every environmental hazard in accordance with GHS decision logic 2007 Sep: Second feasibility study 2008 Jan: Auto-classification software presented on web- site with downloadable dataset 2008 Jan: Operating instruction meeting (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sendai, Fukuoka) 2008 March: Final Operating Meeting at METI auditorium
Next step Japan’s Capacity Building program has focused on APEC GHS implementation initial target; New tools toward 2008 and beyond will be available Further action could be discussed in AMEICC Chemical Industry WG
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