To You… From Me…
ayette, you're the only woman of whom I've loved the most. and you’ve ade my life more brighter each day. issing you every minute of my life drive my thought towards you. emories of you is the healing power of the emptiness deep within my heart.
nd it's getting better all the time when I'm thinking of you. s I go through my life, your LOVE for me, keeps inspiring me to live better than ever, ll things I'm doin' are centered on you and nothin' else. ll those years of useless searchin' for my eternal mate had triggered me to find you nd is uplifted me to press forward and endure...
ou're my inspiration to my day to day activities, ou are like flowers that keeps blooming, lovely to look on with its sweetness defies all the beauty of its spirit. eah! ou're the one I have cherished more than anything else in this wild world. ou've played the vital role of all God's creations towards that great plan of happiness. I LOVE YOU MAYETTE, and I always will!
xaltation through all... ternities is what we are aiming and workin' for. And your love keeps me goin'... veryday of my life, very word of you is a symphony to me. I do really enjoyed being with you always my dearest one. ach one of us must ought to strive hard to nourish our love for that great purpose.
ime and time again, my love for you growing stronger, and it really edifies my soul exceedingly. he thought of you Mayette, picks me up when I'm lonely, and strengthens me all day long. ime really flies so fast, the day we'd met and getting closer to each other, he wondrous time you spent with me, was the best time of my life. What a wonderful day, isn't it ?
hinking of you makes my whole day perfect! ime after time my faith will takes us higher toward a bigger destiny, o where I've always wanted to be... and that... here's only one wish on my mind, emple Marriage Marriage is the only one, with it,....
ndless happiness is our destiny that fulfills that great plan of... ternalness of men, what a glorious love of our Heavenly Father has for us. How I wish that day would never end, nd of this world may come, but still my love for you will never die. You'd been a part of my life...
Remember this Mayette, you maybe out of my reach, but you're always here in my Thoughts and in my Dreams. I L O V E Y O U ! Romie A. Policarpio Cebu City, Cebu
Produced By: Romie A. Policarpio Go Chan Bldg; Magallanes St; Cebu City, Cebu Composition Time Spent = 22.5 Hrs