Machu Picchu It is a mystical place, a monument to divinity, where people can feel that they are a creation of God. The high sense of spirituality that inhabits this place seems to transport its visitors to a place where everything "in an unimaginable way" is possible. It is a place where strange forces of nature allow the individuals to reach an incomparable cosmic state, a state that can only be experimented in Machu Picchu. It is one of the most popular archaeological sites of the world, and therefore, the most visited attraction in Peru.
Cuzco The origins of Cuzco get lost in the night of times. Archaeological excavations made us know that primitive residents inhabited the valley of Cuzsco (except for its bottom, then marshy) near three millenniums ago. Cuzco is the most visited tourist destination in Peru, and the wealthy attractiveness in the city and its areas around, as well as "Ciudad Perdida de los Incas" (Lost City of the Incas), Machu Picchu, transforms it into one of the main tourist attractiveness of the world, offering an excellent quality of tourist services.
Arequipa Also known as the "Ciudad Blanca" (White City) for the numerous and magnificent constructions of temples, convents, big houses and palaces in white ashlar sculpted as filigree. It also possesses an excellent climate with almost 300 days of sun a year, with transparent blue sky. Arequipa is the second larger city of the country and the most important of the south of Peru, constitutes the main pole of economic development due to their multiple resources and to their irrigation projects that favor mainly to the agriculture and the cattle raising; industry of milk products and leathers. It has a modern hotel infrastructure.
Lima Called "Ciudad de los Reyes" (City of Kings) for the Spanish conquerors, it was founded by Francisco Pizarro on January 18th, 1535 on Rímac Valley, in which diverse pre-Inca towns had been developed, then dominated by the Inca nation. Today it is a great city, it is the capital of the Republic of Peru, and it is a great metropolis with near 8 million inhabitants. Its historical center and San Francisco's Convent have been denominated by UNESCO "Cultural World Heritage Site" because of the beauty and wealth of much of their constructions.
Trujillo Trujillo City is the capital of the department La Libertad. It was founded by the Spaniard conqueror Diego de Almagro on December 6th, 1534 (before the foundation of Lima), located near Chan Chan, capital of the pre-Inca Chimú Nation, in a valley of great cultural hegemony. Home