2 Chapter 2 Section 2.1 Character and Values Section 1.2 Character Building Chapter 2 Section 2.1 Character and Values Section 1.2 Standards and Ethics 1
Section 2.1 Character and Values Values are the foundation upon which character is built. Values serve as a guide to setting your personal standards and making ethical decisions. [Insert xxxxx] 2
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary character consequence mentor conscience model reflect
What is Character? Character is the development and application of commonly held principles. People of good character experience personal growth, good citizenship, and support society. character The development and application of commonly held principles that promote personal growth, establish good citizenship, and support society.
What is Character? A person who has character possesses moral strength and integrity. Character promotes well-being. How can avoiding high-risk behaviors help to develop character? 5
Recognizing Values Values and character are closely related. Your values influence and guide all aspects of your life. Universal values are those that are generally accepted and shared worldwide. C. Stewart: Is there a way to maintain black bullets even when the sentence starts with a red font?
Recognizing Values Express your values by showing responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, self-discipline, and good citizenship. You learn values from your family and others directly through what they teach you.
Recognizing Values Guidelines to help live according to your values include considering the consequences, listening to your conscience, guidance from your family and others, learning, and evaluating the source. consequence Something that follows as a result of an action or choice. conscience The inner voice that tells you what is morally right and wrong. Vocabulary box is not editable as is. Please fix.
Realize Your Potential Maximize your potential by setting priorities, considering your interests, developing supportive friendships, being health-smart, and avoiding high-risk behaviors. How can setting priorities help maximize your potential? C. Stewart: The Check Your Answer template should have an editable box in which to include the assessment question.
Section 2.2 Standards and Ethics Personal standards are based on your values, and they guide your behavior. Ethical choices are based on what is fair and right. 10
Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary competence resiliency perseverance accountable initiate
Setting Your Standards Setting personal standards involves having rules or principles to guide your behavior. Proactive people take the initiate on thinking ahead and taking control. personal standard A rule or principle you set for yourself. proactive The initiative to think and plan ahead for situations.
Setting Your Standards Personal standards help you make choices on your own and without peer pressure. Values guide your standards. peer pressure Influence of others in your age group.
Setting Your Standards Guidelines include following society’s rules, learning from others, and knowing what you value. Many issues are not clear-cut so its important to stay true to your values. Insert xxxxxx
Making Ethical Choices Choices should be made based on your principles and values that guide the way you live. Develop your values, standards, and ethics as you face problems and mature. ethics The principles and values that guide the way you live.
Making Ethical Choices Values and ethics mean nothing without action. When you develop good values, set personal standards, and make ethical choices, you show character in action.
Chapter Summary Section 2.1 Character and Values Building character is a lifelong process. Families, teachers, friends, and others in the community help develop your character. The choices you make and their consequences are a reflection of your character.
Chapter Summary Section 2.1 Character and Values Character is built on a foundation of values. Universal values include respect, fairness, responsibility, caring, and honesty. Having strong values helps you face difficult situations with confidence.
Chapter Summary Section 2.2 Standards and Ethics Personal standards guide your behavior by defining what you do and what you do not do. Planning ahead and knowing your standards can help you react appropriately in difficult situations.
Chapter Summary Section 2.2 Standards and Ethics Ethics help you make decisions based on what is right, fair, just, caring, and best for all involved. Values, standards, and ethics develop as you mature, and they provide a framework that helps you make good choices.
Review Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions. The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions. Start
character buena conducta The development and application of commonly held principles that promote personal growth, establish good citizenship, and support society. La aplicación y el desarrollo de principios universales que promueven el crecimiento personal, establecen la buena ciudadanía y apoyan a la sociedad. Show Definition
consequence consecuencia Something that follows as a result of an action or choice. Algo que sigue como resultado de una acción o decisión. Show Definition
mentor valor A person who acts as a teacher and guide. Persona que desempeña el papel de maestro o guía. Show Definition
conscience conciencia The inner voice that tells you what is morally right and wrong. Voz interior que te dice lo que es moralmente correcto o incorrecto. Show Definition
normal personal personal standard A rule or principle you set for yourself. Una regla o principio que estableces para ti mismo. Show Definition
proactivo proactive The initiate to think and plan ahead for situations. La iniciativa a pensar y planear para situaciones futuras. Show Definition
peer pressure Presión de grupo Influence of others in your age group. Influencia de otros de tu misma edad. Show Definition
discretion discreción (criterio) The good judgment and sensitivity needed to avoid embarrassing others and to keep sensitive information private. El buen juicio y la sensibilidad necesarios para evitar avergonzar a otros y para mantener privada la información personal. Show Definition
ethics ética The principles and values that guide the way you live. Los principios y valores que guían la forma en que vives. Show Definition
model modelar Demonstrate or show. Demostrar o exponer. Show Definition
reflect reflejar Reveal or show. Revelar o mostrar. Show Definition
conduct conducta Behavior. Comportmíento. Show Definition
value valorar Attach importance. Añadir importancia. Show Definition
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