Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ The Cyprus Anticancer Society Andrea Kkoufou Psychologist andrea.kkoufou@anticancersociety.org.cy 1
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ CYPRUS ANTICANCER SOCIETY A non-profit organization that aims in providing the best possible care for cancer patients and their families Aims: Raise public's awareness about prevention Educate the public about the effects of early diagnosis of cancer Palliative Care
Cyprus Anticancer Society Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Cyprus Anticancer Society 1971 Founded 1976 Arodaphnousa 1992 Home Care Service 1999 Bank of Cyprus sponsor for Christodoula March 2011 Evagorion Centre for Palliative Care
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ 2000 Transportation of Cancer Patients to Bank of Cyprus Oncology Center Social Work Service Counseling Services Physiotherapy Aromatherapy Day Care Centers (DCC) Medical Equipment
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ 2011 “EVAGORION CENTER FOR PALLIATIVE CARE” Inagurated on February 23rd, 2011 in Limassol Services offered at the Center Bloodtests and nursing treatment Psychosocial support and interventions Bereavement counseling Physiotherapy involving lymphoedema Treatment Transportation of patients to Nicosia for treatment and follow ups
Services offered for FREE at The Cyprus Anticancer Society Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Services offered for FREE at The Cyprus Anticancer Society Arodaphnousa Hospice Home Care Service Day Care Service Psychosocial Support Transportation of patients to the Oncology Center Physiotherapy Aromatherapy
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ ARODAPHNOUSA ARODAPHNOUSA is our Palliative Care Center in Nicosia. It hosts: 2 Doctors ( trained in palliative care and pain control) Nursing Staff Psychologist Sociologist Physiotherapist Aromatherapist Priest Volunteers
Criteria for accepting in-patients Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Criteria for accepting in-patients Patients with advanced cancer who need constant and advanced care which is not available or possible at home or in any other medical facility Patients are admitted in Arodaphnousa in order to: Assess and control pain and symptoms To enable the families who are the main care givers at home a period in which to rest and rejuvenate themselves To offer intense physiotherapy or therapy for the lymphatic system
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ HOME CARE SERVICE The Cyprus Anticancer Society offers home care visits to cancer patients who are bed ridden or unable to drive to get to the office Our nurses, psychologists, social workers, and physiotherapists are always there to assess the condition of the patient and respond to their needs
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ DAY CARE CENTER The Day Care Center, aims at creating a social support network for cancer patients who have undergone therapies or are currently receiving treatment It takes place once a week in all of our offices in Cyprus
Services offered at the Day Care Centers Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Services offered at the Day Care Centers Psychosocial Support Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, aromatherapy Cooking classes Day trips Snacks and drinks
Psychological Support Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Psychological Support Psychological support and counseling services offered at the centers is an essential part of the wholistic approach to cancer patients' treatment It aims at helping the patient and his family: Understand their emotions Learn stress management and relaxation techniques Manage intense and uncomfortable feelings (shock, fear, anxiety, depression, guilt, denial, loneliness) Adjust to changes Cope better with their illness and treatment Communicate their wants and needs Our mental health providers are there to help the patients throughout their cancer journey The frequency and number of sessions with a psychologist varies according to individual needs Psychological services are provided to patients and their families for as long as is considered necessary
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Social Support The Social Work service at the Cyprus Anticancer Society aims at: 1) screening patients and familes with complex needs and high levels of distress 2) managing the social impacts of a cancer diagnosis on the patient, their family and the wider system 3) assisting with the many practical challenges patients face (finances, employment, housing, isolation, etc) 4) engaging with patients and advocate on their behalf 5) Strengthening links with community organisations, the General Hospital, and clinics
Patients' Transportation Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Patients' Transportation Daily transportation of cancer patients from Pafos, Limassol, Larnaca, Paralimni to BOCOC and Nicosia General Hospital Patients who are receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy in Nicosia In 2010, 1667 patients used this service
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Physiotherapy Physiotherapy takes place at “Evagorion Center of Palliative Care in Limassol” and “Arodaphnousa Hospice” in Nicosia Aims at: helping to regain independence and function following treatment Helping to reduce lyphoedema (swelling related to treatment involving lymph nodes area) Teaching techniques to help control certain types of breathlessnes Giving exercises and advice following certain types of surgery and radiotherapy Assessing and teaching exercises to people with muscle weakness Assessing and treating weakness and paralysis caused by brain and spinal tumours Helping to control certain types of pain Assisting patients with problems of balance and coordination Assessing and providing equipment such as sticks, crutches and frames to help with walking and promoting wellbeing and independenceη
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Aromatherapy Offered only at “Arodaphonousa” in Nicosia Aromatherapy is a therapeutic use of essential oils for the improvement of physical, emotional and spiritual well- being Aromatherapy helps: Stimulate energy and appetite Provide some degree of pain relief Lessen anxiety and depression Ease chronic tension Improve quality of life
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ Financial Resources Christodoula March Funerals (Donations in memory) Philanthropic Events Christmas Cards General Donations
Η Εποπτική Σχέση με τον ΕΚΛ THANK YOU!